
Well that sucks. So many Mercedes I want

I keep thinking about how someone can decide to ruin the rest of their life doing something like this.

Shocking! Someone is so apathetic about their crappy assembly line job they missed such a glaring fault! Wow.

4327lb, what a fat cow. Ill take the 80s one, everything else that matters about the newer one is only marginally better.

You are full of jokes. What the hell is “luxury” to you then?

Thank you. I’ve watch him for over 10 year, and seen things older than that. He has changed on television. A lot.

Because everything that has happened has been awful so far? Seriously I have not read a single article on any site about the new tg besides the annouments/leaks of the presenters that didn’t paint the show as a total cluster fuck.

Their sceaming to get more money makes me somehow want Amazon Prime even less. I though it wasnt posible.

Lame. Torrents for me. Was looking forward to actually supporting them by watching it straight from Netflix. I’m never going to get Prime for just one show.

They look like the same unconfortable flism shoes that cost too much.

Man, I miss Stargate...

Yup. You are.

The worse thing about this is that a lego set can cost 800 dollars.

Ive switched to relying on FireFox to sync my bookmarks between computers. Downside, I cant sync with chrome or any other browser. I only use FF though anyway. I used to use Xmark but it screwed me royally duplicating all my bookmakrs and not syncing properly too many times. Glad I am without it now.

I miss Ctrl Alt Del. It got too weird though.

I thought this is what everyone wanted? All the companies want to be like each other, Mercedes and BMW, Lexus and Mercedes, Cadillac and Every other luxury brand. Whats the problem? You want the same car with different names and you go it.

Ah man I didnt know his mom died..She was on Top Gear in the Mom challenge.

I'd still own one. I'm a stupid suckered for 80s and 90s GM cars.

Crap three times, really comment system..?

That poor Bonneville.. :(