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    @ads2k2: "Oh my God, I got shot from an impossible angle and this flimsy badge stopped the bullet without any damage to my clothing!"

    I'm glad to see he's done better at acting than he did in the NFL.

    @java.android: My girlfriend loves the Old Spice body wash I use.

    @⌘Z: He's likely to have several years of parole following his release, which is really more of a hindrance to convicted felons rather than a rehabilitation.

    @macslut: You are correct, but it LOOKS like a lot to the average viewer.

    @mortgeek: In my opinion, adding more steps to the process of gaining points would seem to deter users instead of encourage them.

    @iMattv4: For pilots, yes, English is a universal language.

    It'd be just our luck that the aliens make contact with the Chinese, or Heavens to Betsy the North Koreans.

    @jinushaun: It's not about making Corvettes, it's about what you get to do to that Corvette after you've purchased it.

    Welcome to the club, space cowboys. Population: millions.

    My professor just made us wear our hats backwards during exams.

    @maggeimerc: She's one of the only things I dislike about the DS9 series.

    @Sent from my toilet: I have a feeling it's going to take another 140 years or so to find out.

    @Fenlain: What would you recommend?

    @Sean Stedwell: "Vat, do I not look like a Ding Chavez to youz Ameri-cans?"