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    @WalnutSoap: I just want to understand this, sir. Every time a rug is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?

    @Purdueable: Most artists prefer not to be paid. It earns them more hipster cred.

    @SkipErnst: I knew. ESPN spent months playing that damn commercial of him talking about the stupid fucking World Cup.

    Actually, I won't.

    @JAlexoid: The N1 not selling was Google's problem, not T-Mobile. It wasn't about T-Mobile's network (which in terms of 3G coverage covers almost as many as AT&T's now). Google had a flawed sales model; had it been sold in stores like a normal phone, it would have done much better (and will once they finally get it

    Heh. Punny name.

    @FutureShock: Yeah. And their marketing campaign for it was AMAZING. "Hey, let's release Twitter clues for a week about a phone that's already been announced by AT&T!"

    @8oardR1der: Cyanide and Happiness has been around since late 2004 ... although the artwork is basic, the writing of it is excellent, which is really all that matters to me.

    T-Mobile has done an awesome job of making me say "meh" over the years.

    @Felix26591: I have this eternal fear not of getting a girl pregnant, but after years of pulling out, using rubbers, or worrying about her taking birth control, that I will some day find out that I'm sterile.

    @Mackanov: But it's a lot easier to fuck it up, as crusty pointed out.

    @Deaf Mute: "Of every 100 women whose partners use withdrawal, 4 will become pregnant each year if they always do it correctly."

    @m57: Well, they did mention they studied marijuana and impotence ... maybe they had the rats baked off their ass.

    @charbullins: I was like that when I first started having regular sex. Turns out there's way more reasons to enjoy sex with birth control than to worry about it.

    @Red_Fish: The retina display is so awesome, he doesn't even need glasses!

    You're fucking kidding me.

    I'd have no problem taking a male birth control pill, as long as there was extensive clinical evidence showing my boys would be able to swim again at some point.

    @scythe1791144: Unfortunately, those are the people who probably don't read Gizmodo.

    @scythe1791144: The term "Dark Side of the Moon" has been used enough in popular culture that we understand it means the far side of the moon that never faces the Earth. Yes, it's an inaccurate term, but I don't see it as a mistake on the part of the author.

    @Zkdog: I'm still a fan of the first few Limp albums. Takes me back to my high school days.