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    I just had an IT example: My computer was giving me some citrix certificate error every ten seconds. I'd called IT about it last week and they fixed it, but it came back today. The IT guy emailed and said he fixed it again. I asked if it was fixed for good or if it would come back and he told me it should be fixed for

    I agree, you don't have to have the math to understand HOW it works as long as you are given the practical education THAT it works in this way. Think of a kid with a ball, they don't know anything about gravity, but they know that when they throw the ball it travels in an arch (parabola) and eventually hits the

    As a physicist I am conflicted about this post. Yes, I think it would be great for all people to have a general understanding of quantum mechanics and relativity, but if they all understood these things I would be a lot less mystical and would loose some of my nerd sheen. Hmmm, decisions decisions.

    And all those crumbs from that crusty bread? And how is my wine glass going to balance on that thing?


    Possibly, but they haven't yet identified the gene for that. Gattaca here we come.

    Thanks for the link. That was very informative. I've never studied evolution; I believe it, but never studied it, this was a nice tutorial.

    We all agree that the decryption code word is "Mega". (don't forget the caps)

    that made my day, thanks.

    They straightened up the lines on the floor too.

    Probably they didn't know, which is sad. But also they didn't want to be perceived as rude or a 'know-it-all' by directly contradicting the questioner. And your correct, it gains them nothing. 77% is still bad and neither of them would gain any points by correcting five points up.


    Those numbers do seem REALLY small for a year of torrenting "hits" at any university. These numbers even seem small if the data is limited to just the TorrentFreak sight. Maybe they are only monitoring a certain subset of files?

    Does he have a small rodent in his cheek?

    Keep in mind this pending patent may have been submitted to the patent office years earlier. They could just be getting around to actually issuing the patent now. So Apple could have conceivably submitted this pending patent before all of these other companies had this unlock feature.

    I think this has been approved. Who the heck approved it should be shot, but as far as it already existing, Apple probably filed this many years ago and it is just now making it through the system. Pack you bags.

    Whatever the reason for the gangsta grip, it tends to increase the chances that the shooter (or people standing next to the shooter) are going to get hit with hot cartridges being ejected. Assuming the shooter is right handed. The gangsta grip (right handed) ejects the cartridge straight up or up and to the right and

    Who says it was the mother that left the child unattended. Perhaps Dad was shopping or grandma.

    "middle class", "economy", "jobs", but as this is the domestic debate I'll see your "Iran" and raise you "well". Oh, and let's throw in "Obamacare". Better get a second keg.