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    If they want to commit suicide, the nets may never help. Is it really THAT bad there? She's been there since March, that's only 5 months, why not just quit? Did the factory (or apple or whoever) remove the monetary benefit to suicide?

    trackball version please.

    @TheLQ: I have never read that before. Thanks for the link. I have book marked it for the impending Prop 8 religious nation email arguments I feel coming tomorrow.

    @carlhajduk: I'm surprised the Mormon Church pumped money into the gay-marriage opposition. It seems that allowing gay-marriage (or union, whatever you want to call it) is a stepping stone to allowing multiple marriages? And doesn't the Mormon Church support men marrying more than one woman?

    @truthtellah: I really worry about a Robert's court look at gay marriage. Will they look at this as a civil rights issue and allow equal rights to all or will they look at this as a religious issue and shut-down gay-marriage across the nation (or narrowly define it to California because of Prop 8)? Or will they refuse

    @mikehtiger: Thanks. I was wondering what happened to separation of church and state?

    @apierion: Thank you for putting an equation in to the mix. Succinctly put and more importantly correct (well almost ... dx*dp is greater than or equal to h-bar/2, but h-bar and greater than or equal to are hard to type, so let's not quibble).

    @Jeff: Ha! As trust worthy as Apple. Classic. Thanks for the laugh.

    That guy could clip it to his ponytail or his sunglasses.

    That iPhone is Death Gripped ... no way they are getting signal. Oh wait, they are on wifi, never mind, carry on.

    How many extra hits is Giz giving North Korea today? That Spanish dude has got to be wondering what's going on.

    There seem to be more cylinder bits in the finished version than in the dissembled picture. Where is the champagne cork looking hammer piece?

    @David Tittle: thanks for the explain and the ebay link. That looks like a good desk toy ... my company probably won't like the fire though.

    @Nick: Oh goody, I learned that too ... don't be lazy, go look it up.

    How do we get a star or a heart? and what do they mean?

    Since when do prisons have fashion and makeup?

    @gemcosta: I think it has to be a certain height above ground to count in this case. Maybe the Everglades are too short?

    I know a photographer who's camera has two removable SD cards. I think it is suppose to be for backup purposes. He is just waiting for the day that a cop (or other authority figure) asks to take his SD card after he's taken pictures of something deemed inappropriate.

    @LBtheWise: Because you don't have a star. Only stars can promote.

    @MacTodd: I didn't even buy the app (not hearing of it until it was gone), but I'd be willing to send this kid a few bucks just to applaud his efforts. And he may well need the cash as I'm sure the Apple legal team will be at his door any second now.