Yeah it’s not a difference of opinion to declare all muslims are terrorists or all Mexicans are rapists. That’s a matter of being a f***ing asshole. And the fact that a potential US President is saying that, is haunting.

You mean guy who came across as a dickhead is an even bigger dickhead than first thought?

Nope. I don’t have to move over for criminals who are driving recklessly. I’m not breaking the law, you are. You’re putting people at risk, not me.

Too many of the people complaining that everyone should “get out of their way” are in situations where the right lane is going 5mph over, the left lane is going 10mph over, and they think they have some Satan-given right to go 15-20mph over the speed limit.

Yep, this right here... In my state, it’s kind of an unspoken thing that outside city limits you can legally go 5mph over the speed limit. Which, is wrong, but police seem to agree with it. The general rationale is that less than 5mph over, the ticket cost wouldn’t be worth their time and energy.

On the other hand, people don’t have a right to drive ONE mph over the speed limit. Not one. The left-hand lane is not the “laws don’t apply to me” lane, and people need to remember that too. If you are a criminal reckless driver, that’s not the responsiblility or problem of the law-abiding safe drivers around you.

They’re too busy looking for a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

Yeah, I always wondered what some people thought of that skin. Some of the alt skins are kinda cutting it close with this kind of stuff and I’m not sure if it was the best call on Blizzard’s part. Like, I know some people are bothered by Pharah’s Raindancer skins...

I was enthusiastic for this game at first, but once I saw that you had to pay full price, then get nickled-and-dimed to death just to get characters and monsters, I skipped this game completely.

This is an article that needed to be written. Competitive in Overwatch feels 180 degrees different from Quick Play. Going down in rank feels bad, like REALLY bad.

I had a game tonight where the other team won first round, we won second, so three of the opposing team left. Obviously we stomped the remaining players, but it feels terrible.

Like, you guys knew you were capable of winning. You steamrolled us first round. Why leave? So stupid.

You know how Overwatch is supposed to be all about rotating heroes as required during a match? I have found that having Ultimate status reset upon switching is a major turn-off. If you are doing your job well, you are often back up to 80% in no time on your ultimate and having to throw that away just sucks. What if

It boggles my mind how badly Blizzard is fumbling their ranked modes lately. Starcraft 2's ladder is going through yet another iteration (“we’ll get it right this time guys, we swear”), the climb to Legend rank in Hearthstone is an exhausting grind beset from all sides by aggro decks exploiting the system, and Heroes

Could Blizzard also nerf the range on the turret? I hate getting pinged, looking around then dying just so that the death cam can show that it was off some distance.

Yeah, the way I see it, most people who hate Torb hate him because the turret feels overpowered and cheap, particularly in maps with nasty chokes before A. By leaving everything but time to target untouched, Torb plays the same, but has a higher strategy level since his turrets now need to placed with more care.

There’s a reason why the TF2 competitive scene does not allow stacking and why many competitive players are upset that the competitive mode in overwatch is going to allow it even though tournaments are already banning it.

That video should be called “When you steamroll a shit pug & call it a strategy”.

No, Steam isn’t hurt but Microsoft sure as hell is. I’m about as avid of a gamer and PC gamer you can come across but I’ll NEVER EVER buy from Microsoft’s storefronts EVER AGAIN as long as they use DRM. (It also helps with Win10's store is still pretty abysmal by any standard)

Wrong. Everything works on Windows 7, nothing works on Windows 10. I migrated and lost a LOT of music and video production. Luckly I had a backup of everything, so I just wiped and reinstalled 7.

Why would someone upgrade to Windows 10 for better performance? The most compelling argument you can make (for currently existing games, today) is that Win10 is Almost Equal To Win7.