Agreed with this. all of the AMC's kill eachother off in the first 2 rounds and there were Mustangs in 3 of 4 brackets? Lame.
Agreed with this. all of the AMC's kill eachother off in the first 2 rounds and there were Mustangs in 3 of 4 brackets? Lame.
...The GTS-R that is racing in ALMS with a silver Forza Motorsport livery. :P
I hate Mustangs in the context of this competition. I don't mind them otherwise, just think they're kind of generic.
Mustangs? I hate Mustangs. Vote Cutlass or die.
Why must you do this to us? xD
You're right, Bill Ayers did say he ghost wrote it, but since it appears you get all of your news from American Thinker and WND, here's the full quote:
You know, I read the article, thought "Yeah! I'd get a car lift if I could! That's alright.", and then read the comments.
Also, I'd appreciated if you give evidence as to a ghost writer for Dreams of My Father. In the short search I did the only places I found that made such a claim are well-known right wing sites with a history of yellow journalism and lying.
Never accomplished anything? He went from virtually nothing to President of the United States. That's nothing in today's world?
Suddenly being an author isn't an admirable thing?
So is this the Gawker IT department finally admitting defeat?
Thanks for these! They're great. My favorite has to be the angled shot of the Flying Lizard car. Good work!
What about window clings and license plate covers for those of us that would prefer not to have bumper stickers? Please?
Solid! Unfortunately it's rather pricey...
If we empty out Suburbia there's more room to grow the food! :P
I own a Windows Phone and am interested in how I can start a car remotely with one. Microsoft?
Ummm, probably shrug my shoulders and continue driving the 5,000ish miles a year I average.