

Alfa Romeo 159. Most badass looking compact executive car I can think of.

@John Carter: Edmunds started that rumor, but I don't know if they ever found any facts to back it up.

Separated at birth?

New York City is in a cold climate...

The Saab H engine is one of my favorite 4 cylinder engines of all time. Durable, produces some good number, takes to forced induction quite well.

2,000,000 sales for a single nameplate is still a worthy accomplishment, no matter how c-rappy the car is.

I have a picture from when my Stratus hit 120,000.

Especially among Wisconsinite, there is no equal to the AMC Eagle.

Just when you thought GM had learned the errors in their ways.

Bah, screw the rest of you, I dig this car. Much better than the last gen.

So wait, question. Is it 10 from this round, and 10 from the next, or is it going to be the top 20 of all 200ish?

@Tony87: Hey, same color, and no spoiler too!

@Spasticteapot: If that's how you feel, we should probably never meet up, because I write like I speak :P

@Elhigh: Wouldn't be the first time I was told I'm crazy.

@khale84: It is a massive improvement over the Quad-4, that's for sure. For the subject car of the article ('04 Alero), I really don't have any worries about the engine falling apart... It's just everything else that I'm worried about.

@khale84: It's really not a terrible engine, for what it is: A naturally aspirated 4-cylinder. I just really, really don't like the engine noise of the thing.