
President Old Dead Gourd Full of Poop

Lol, says the person whose user name is “Tina Fey’s Face Scar”.

The women that voted for Trump is what stings the worst. If we don’t stand together we can never move forward.

I have no problem with people—white or otherwise—doing work like this. What I do hate (and something I saw a lot when I lived in Cape Town for 5 months) is when people take pictures with children and then post them on the internet. I only shared images of kids whose names I knew and who I actually developed

IMO there’s barely a resemblance. AH looks like she’s wearing a modified beehive.

“The film version of Breakfast at Tiffany’s is water-downed, heteronormified snoozefest.”

They also very much wanted to work in a reference to a Vogue photo shoot. “What could have inspired her? Oh, that’s right, us!”

It’s because Audrey Hepburn is Peak White Girl*, and therefore the biggest possible compliment they could give to Lupita.

Vogue also named Kim and Kanye “Best Dressed” so what the fuck do they know.

I have a feeling Vogue thought they were being really awesome, comparing Lupita to Audrey.

Andrew M. Wallet

I'm so literal about themes, I'd show up wrapped in HDMI cables and microchips.

No one is even trying to stick to the theme.

So where her boobs judging from that photo. Damn. I’m surprised that was allowed by the Hollywood Studio System of the time.

Well, Wonder Woman’s male creator was actually a mysandrist and truly believed that women should be leaders and hold the highest offices. It was also not at all surprising to surmise that he was totally into bondage and female domination. Oh, and the ‘Lasso of Truth’ was another unusual thing as he was also the

Instead it just had a rape scene.


I think I am super glad I never liked old movies because I feel like I have lived a calmer life not knowing the existence of this shit. Really well-written, well-researched article, but I’m going to be over here vomiting for the next 20 minutes or so.

“Dear Advertisers, I am disgusted with the way old people are depicted on television. We are not all vibrant, fun loving sex maniacs. Many of us are bitter, resentful individuals who remember the good old days when entertainment was bland and inoffensive. The following is a list of words I never want to hear on

“Remember, you can’t depict a married couple sharing a single bed, but its the height of wholesomeness for a man to bare-hand paddle a woman’s ass.”