
Those seem to be stories about her father being racist.

100000000000000% this. You have to right on every issue at all times, or else all your opinions and thoughts are null and void.

Well, she is advocating for black people in comedy it seems, in that T&C interview: ““Amy and I just did two months of press for Sisters,” Fey says, “and journalists were still bringing up, ‘People say women aren’t funny.’ The next time I’m at a press junket and someone says that, I have to remember to say, ‘We need

... because Tina Fey isn’t a POC.

How have we gotten to the point where every celebrity has to say precisely the correct thing regarding every social ill? She’s funny and seemingly desires to be a good person. Is that not enough?

One of the biggest and most valid issues that people have with progressive liberalism in 2016 is there is absolutely no fucking margin of error ever. Ever. If you say one thing that can be construed as offensive (by people who spend all of their time parsing through each word and inflection of everything everyone says

She could. Also it would be cool if she didn’t have to be the perfect champion of everything progressive because she’s one of a small handful of women making it in comedy.

Look at the first comment. A bunch of white people trying to “understand” why minorities support Hillary and they all sound so patronizing and these are the allies! My god!

A president with a penis, like God intended. It’s going to be enough then.

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?

As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!

Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic

If looks could kill, they’d both be in intensive care.

I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an

Honest question, no snark:

It’s hilarious to me that white liberal expect black people to vote for the white guy who has consistently ignored black activists in his state (which has one of the highest incarceration rates for POC). Calling them uneducated or voting against their own interests is infuriatingly patronizing but I see it over and

I think one issue Hillary is going to have against Trump will be the utter contempt she will be fighting back that she even has to try to beat someone like him...

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

Yes, she is human.

Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.