
I know, right? The inclusivity of our movement for equal rights. Ugh.

Really? Women identifying as lesbian is “out of control” to you and your friends? We should just subsume our identities under a word that’s often associated with men, instead of with us and our history, to save a syllable? That’s really harsh. “L” wasn’t added “like every year”. The term lesbian has been around for

Ha! You caught me. None of us are even literate.

this is a bad comment.

There are also plenty of Log Cabin Republicans and other gay cis people who don’t support queer rights.

Not sure one poor over publicized example proves a rule. A lot of us in trans community get angry at the GLB community because of its tendencies to throw us under buses and write us out of history but we often still support the GLB community. Partially cause a ton of us are GLB as this poll shows.

TERFs are full of shit. These lesbians are “getting fed up” because they are transphobic. If you’re not familiar with the TERF blogosphere, it’s mindboggingly horrible how they speak about transpeople. Same exact arguments a conservative would use, but couched in quasi-progressive language it becomes that much more

There certainly are ways in which the goals of feminists/LGB people and T people are opposed or conflicting to some degree, but that isn’t a cause for severance. It’s a call for education and understanding on all sides.

So every trans, and nonbinary person who stood up during the stonewall riots (and marked the first serious public discussion of change in the US) doesn’t matter? Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson didn’t help spark a movement for this bullshit. This is literally the attitude hinted at in the movie Stonewall come to

There is a lot more to a person than their political attitudes, and Johari is acknowledging that. This is important in a civil society. It’s a good thing to have.

They probably aren’t, but Ms. Idusuyi is doing a great job contrasting herself - even with this small bit of politeness on her part - from these people & the whole spectacle of Trump.

But it was cool and polite of her to say. Made her more credible in my eyes even if she was just being kind.

Exactly. Anyone who chooses to be at a Trump event, under willful adherence to his “policies” and beliefs, is most likely a vile being.

Rather than being upset at her, Trump supporters should be praising her and following her example. Maybe if more of them started reading, and learning about the issues being discussed in this campaign, they'd realize how wrongheaded the Donald's ideas are.

Fantastic concept.

If I met this couple at an event or a dinner party, I would think they were nice people. They probably are nice people.

Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.

Johari, girl, you my hero.

It’s exactly civili disobedience like this that we need. We can spread it through social media and it gets the point across. We also need to keep ourselves from looking bad on social media, which is why the Mizzou protests are so successful. If we win the social media war, we win the war. Pretty simple.