
Have you listened yet? Are you shocked by how wrong you are/were, having just finished listening to his Top o’ the Podcast rant?

Okay, Mr. Cosby.

Canada doesn’t have White Castle...

There is literally an ad campaign on Fentanyl in Vancouver right now.

Ugh. Totes agree. Potential voters are almost as bad as crazy people.

The Lord’s work.

Wasn’t she also divorced three times? I would’ve liked if the judge could have worked in a, “But, bitch, please. You’ve been divorced three times already so don’t fucking talk to me about the selective sanctity of religious beliefs.”

“Hey, what’s up? Gimme all your money. Shut the fuck up, and gimme all your money.” - Alaska 5000, featuring Laganja Estranja

Who is cutting onions this early in the morning.

Kara, this article is everything. Thank you.

How fucked up is it that, as time goes on, everyone except white, cisgender men are responsible for what other people do to them?

Sexually assaulted? What did you do to encourage that? Why didn’t you prevent that?

Attacked by the police? You were probably belligerent and looking “menacing” (AKA not-white).

Attacked by

That feeling when you teach the same class every week with different problems to work through together and one of them still. Does not. Get it.

Ummmmm... I kind of love Kim now. The ease with which she will mess with someone. <3

While this isn’t reality TV per se, I am still living for the dramatic music with no one speaking, and dramatic cinematography, which would be completely different with mellow, cheery music.

I call shenanigans. Ketchup is tomatoes, sugar, and salt. There has to be a volume that can be consumed that will result in either hyperglycemia or hypernatremia (if you’re not consuming a bunch of water with your salty ketchup).

That medical toxicologist is IN ON IT. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!!!!111

How do you NOT explicitly remember if you ended up having lunch with Liza Minelli?

“Did you have lunch with her?”
“...I think, I think I did...?”


They were stolen 10 years ago?

All of this is amazing and beautiful and I love what Viktor&Rolf do. In particular, I want that three-painting thing they hung in the middle, with the hand reaching out of the painting as artwork in the house I can never afford to own or decorate.

That said, HOW is doing Haute Couture viable as a business when you

Did your post just say “Scott Peterson” and you just changed it to OJ Simpson? I was like, that’s wrong... googled it, Scott Peterson was convicted, went back, and your post said O.J. ...

Ummmm. What? Did you even read the evidence? It’s all “Tyga and Chris Brown” or “Chris Brown and Tyga”.