
Ok first, are you familiar with the word “potentially?” That’s the whole point of this. We don’t know because he recklessly proceeded before we can have a reasonable grasp on the potential side effects here.

Hey, it was locker room talk.

Why is “But my emails.” Hillary’s worst tweet? I thought it was frickin’ hilarious!

When it comes to getting sex or attention or a date, men have no threshold for embarrassment.

Ha! You think Trump’s top men are that stupid! He knew to turn his phone’s location tracking OFF, meaning that nobody could have ever known where he was!!!

I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes with this guy

Maybe they just want to bang on the drum all day?

Butt Boy is Ass Man’s sidekick. The costumes are...interesting.

Well, as they say “A farting horse is never tired!”

So does grabbing the mace mean that you’re kind of grabbing the Queen’s pussy? Asking for a friend.

You forget why Tillerson was selected. Forgivable entirely, because the news cycle around Trump moves faster than a silverfish across your bathroom floor.

No one watched.

I’m not even sure there is such a thing as a “weird fixation” on musicals.

I don’t see how this could possibly lead to the elimination of Roe v. Wade.

This village embodies what, I believe, men fear at the most deep, existential level: a society in which they’re unnecessary.

Trump’s just pissed because he has no clue how to be Scott Free.

Scott Free is John Barron’s PR guy. He’s great with cyber

Also we need to find out who this Scott Free individual is and what ties he has to the whole situation.

whores do it for money, sluts do it for fun