
Well, apparently we can have guns in this country, or men in this country. But we cannot have both guns and men in this country.

This was an issue in the late ‘90s in southern Illinois where OB/GYNs did not have enough of a patient base to be able to afford the malpractice insurance premiums to provide obstetric services. The State, in order to solve the issue, passed a law that disallowed suing doctors for “pain and suffering”. You could sue

He was probably confused - he meant “alternative minimum tax” which is almost certainly not affecting him unless he is making substantially more than you think and also lives in a high-tax state. But conservatives love to trot this out, knowing that most people don’t understand what it is and don’t understand that

Never say never!!! Dare to dream!!!

There may be a way to find out who and/or what is behind the FOIA requests. Anyone can ask for a copy of a not-for-profit organization’s tax return from the IRS (see link

No, it didn’t. It really meant just men (white men).

Joe Paterno did not molest anyone!!! Jerry Sandusky did.

We would imagine he is speaking exclusively to white MEN.

You know, in all seriousness, I have been thinking lately that we need to do another March on Washington to remind everyone how much support there is for abortion rights in this country. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this and, as we turn out in such large numbers, it makes it very difficult for everyone on

Maybe, but when your major was accounting?????

U mad bro??

What does this even mean?? I’m so confused - is there a coherent thought in there? Can someone translate?


Guys - I think you’re missing the point. This is SHADE!!! The compliment while specifically saying Trump is NOT a Republican. This is some damn fine shade!! (Intentional, IDK, but damn fine!).

Three???!!! What??? I think I have had 5 in my lifetime so far and, honestly, 5 is no where near enough!!! Who is he kidding with the three?? Is he 18??

I think you're right that it is "possible" for both parties to be drunk past the point of being able to consent. However, I believe that men would typically have issues "performing" under this scenario. But I am not a man, perhaps someone out there who is can clarify on this subject.

I don't like this answer. The answer is not to provide less benefits to employees, ffs!! The answer is to acknowledge the fact that employers CANNOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, dictate to their employees how they should live their lives!!! As long as it is legal, it should be covered!!!
