Cloud Hiro

I remember liking playing Warcraft 1 a lot more on my friends Mac because you could actually select 4 units at a time.

arguably the most popular and richest youtube personality doesnt understand that being popular and rich means people listen to what you have to say.

FINALLY! wish they started this a while ago and not after nearly 4 year horror show.

I think the biggest hilarity of your comment comes from actively shaming women and treating them like children (‘treasure chests’? Have you even held a hand before?), while having an avatar of a woman almost entirely naked that is entirely a oversexualization of a male character made female.

This is the cringiest thing I have read in the comments, I think I need a shower to wash off the stench of bigoted bullshit that is waffling off of this.

I don’t understand why people are complaining that it is boring. Have any of you played breath of the wild?

Still probably gonna play it. too bad its delayed for 6 months on pc.

wait...they actually REMEMBERED ganbare goemon?

the thing is? this is a japanese game. the thing is they have a much different view on things such as transsexuals or homosexuals. its baked into their culture. Not exactly something a bit of controversy, especially overseas where they have pretty much couldnt care less.

“ProJared also quietly moves past the fact the kid states he passed his GCSEs (which would’ve happened during that time frame PJ described) which are largely a rote memory exercise at times having done them myself. So if this kid had no memory, how would he be capable of studying for, sitting, and passing exams?”

Indeed, and most of the replies i am seeing here is a circle jerk of morons who didn’t even watch his rebuttal. Did Jared do some shitty things? sure. Did he illicit nudes from minors? No, not really, as his accusers backed down due to their evidence being manipulated.

Should you be trying to get nudes from your

Real thorough article, I especially like the part where you’re very clearly biased and have literally no desire to mention the list of links he provides to back up his claims

I’m fully prepared to either stay in the grays or get a million people slamming me (or both!) but here goes. When the controversy first flared up I was fully on board with cancelling him. Everything I read or watched made him seem like a monster. But out of curiosity I watched his video when it popped a few days ago

Okay as someone who is actually gay, it’s going to take a *lot* more than an shampoo bottle to offend me. This is remarkably silly stuff going on. The level geometry thing miiight be a bit much, but honestly I’ve seen much worse stuff embedded by the developers into old Nintendo games. Crass humor isn’t by itself

Honestly? your missing the forest for the trees. derivative works is how all of the creative industry works. they take influences from others and such then branch off from there. from books to songs to games, 99% of it wouldnt exist without this concept of influence.

Mr. President, Your Mech Is Ready”

the internet near unanomously yells “noooooooo”

They are still mad that all that dota money came from a custom map from their game and they missed the train almost entirely.

I don’t think it’s weird, my dog does this all the time.