
As an owner of a 2008 Honda Element I don't take considerable comfort from the fact that the recall only includes states with high humidity and my Seattle based Honda is not eligible.

The old Advanced Tactical Fighters sim I used to play back in 1995 or so from Jane's was one such game. So many scenarios (some of which are frighteningly close to reality now) where you would take your American (or occasionally Euro) fighter/bomber/ground attack etc against Flankers, Foxbats, Fulcrums and much more.

Best anti-theft I have used is a hidden fuel pump switch. Good luck stealing it when there is no fuel! Can also add a line-lock to lock all four wheels. Have fuel and line lock switches hidden. Fairly simple anti-theft.

SR-71 might be faster, but the B1 can carry 125,000lbs of stores at supersonic speed. (SR-71, = 3500) The SR-71 is Usain bolt, the B1 is an NFL running back on steroids and PCP.

Volvo needs to put the Yamaha V8 back in the S80 and turn it into a real Audi S8 killer.


Quite a role model for her kid.

well, the interest is what's killing them.

This guy doesn't hit anything or cause any accidents, but I certainly don't want to get on track with him anytime soon. DAMN YOU DAMIAN!!!!! NEMESIS!!!!


When did "third world" start meaning "crappy" and stop referring to Africa, South America, and other countries that weren't a part of the communist bloc or NATO?

You know what's older than North Korea's sub?

The B-52.

Runs strong. Minimal rust on rockers. Clear coat peeling. ₩130,000 OBO

Let's find out!

When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."

Personally, I didn't know that the original version of eenie meenie had the n-word in it. I always heard "tiger".

Merits of the case aside, I'm now resenting this accusation leveled at America, Land of the Brave and Home of the Free (™), that we were the source of the original complaint. Take some personal responsibility, United Kingdom, like American Hero and World Savior Ronald Reagan (™) would've done.

When asked how he was feeling, he replied. "Well, I'm not doing wheel well. I tire pretty easily on long flights.

That's just a plane crazy thing to do.