They look alike because they were both pinned by the same guy in the same "Folded Paper" style.
They look alike because they were both pinned by the same guy in the same "Folded Paper" style.
I think that attempt is a sideways blow at the current sad state of Honda rather than a real comparison. The now place a 90's Honda Accord sized car as their sporty FWD answer.
^ This.
Search your couch cushions. Find the what ever coins you need to buy a Mazda2 over this. This car make the Mazda2 sound really exciting. Anyone choosing this over the 2 should stop huffing paint.
When I heard they were bringing back the Mirage I had hope, but thay did what is not a Mitsu standby. Target a car type,…
Where do we stop. People lived before AC, many people don't have AC and while they can be uncomfortable, they don't die. One child passes from heat and their parents are treated like criminals.
We have created a government that has started chasing people over truly tragic and unfortunate events. Here a family that has…
Interesting note. My mom years ago told me that the only people that she has met that own one of those were crazy. I think they are awesome. But over the years her words have proven true. Everyone I've met that has owned on was a bit of a nut.
Strangely related, but everyone I've ever met that has owned an X90 has…
This is the correct answer. It is everything.
It is Turbocharged.
It has a "big block", US and later all had a 2.6L 4-cylinder.
It has a hemispherical head design, Hemi.
The engine was produced for a long time and parts are swappable between generations.
The engine was also used in lots of things: Forklifts,…
But think of how well it sheds heat. J/K
Mike Faris supplied a lot of cars for BB. They are about 4 miles from my house. I was looking at buying a Ford truck from them earlier this year. They were telling me that a handful of the cars they had on the lot had been in the show (background cars) and that they supplied cars for other shows as well.
Babies sleep on car rides. They may have simply thought things were going well and the child was sleeping through the heat. I haven't heard anything of the parents wanting to harm their child. I think that has a lot to do with the legal standing of the case.
Certainly, you could build the case on neglect. But then…
Sounds like a tragic occurrence, one that should be used as an example of unintended consequences. This should not become a legal case. Unless they can prove this was a purposefully mistreated child. As it stands now though all I can think is "Poor Parents".
I love it. As someone who has tried to take advantage of "modern" commuter train system I think this sounds great. A pod leaving every 30 seconds goes to one place and drops you off. Wonderful. Trains are slow adding in wait time and all the stops; using them still means minutes of surface street travel for many.…
At least I don't think it is for sale.
He look-a-like a man.
Stolen could be too harsh a word, but certainly there is a lot of resemblance. I think it is safe to say they share DNA.. Who knows what non-stealing ways this could have come from. Being that Ford never went into production with it, it could be there was more in the back rooms than we can imagine and the design…