Don't buy it. Cell phone users are aware they are distracted, where drunk drivers don't, so they often try to be careful. They probably have more never reported near-misses and probably more lower speed impacts.
Wonderful, yet at that price CP.
I like the analogy.
@472CID: It isn't understeering. The picture is taken on the car coming into a very late apex turn. If you look the rear rubber is trying to stay a solid. In the shot I came in a little hot and the rear is actually slipping out a bit too much. The smoke is not from the front, the front holds just fine.
I think it is a bit of the "it's serious" "No turning back now" or "Halfway there" symbolism.
I love my Saturn. I'm not a fool, I know they aren't the best. But it is a dependable, hardy little crapbox. Mine isn't stock and does its time autocrossing, trackdaying and commuting. It is does it all without any complaining. They eat a little oil and are hard to build any power out of. But they were great cars.
Awesome. I don't want it, But I can understand some people would.
I say CP. While this is a good example I think he is about 1000 off. This car looks great and seems well cared for, but S3 are not too rare and are some of the least fun to upkeep.
I'd hang out with these people. They look like fun folks.
@bugattatra - Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?: I was about to say the same thing.
What dipshits. I love driving spritedly on fun public roads, but it you can't keep it in your lane you are pushing too hard for a public road.
@Mr. C: I've had Elise owners tell me that didn't know what and Esprit is. In fact, I was told by one Elise owner that my car had to be a gray market car because Lotus didn't sell cars in the US untill just a few years ago.
@Hoon_a_TC: Esprit wins. Zondas are too quirky looking for people not really into cars . Hence why they are rarely in rap videos.
I think the "Red Key" is a joke. Expect it to be a gimmick that goes away soon. They are looking to get some moeny from folks who buy their cars, then instantly go tune it. But aftermarket tuners are always more willing (and EPA allowed) to push the tune than the OEM. In truth they are doing a litte more tuning on the…
@Cloud81918: I don't necessarily like it, but it makes sense. You have to put yourself in the shoes of what someone saw when the was shown on the screen the first time in the movie. The buisness like silver finish, the low slung sporty look, that "just out of reach" financially feeling.