@Cpt. Morgan: Agreed, this kid is a buster and has not a hoon cell in his body.
I really love H2
I think a man should stand by their word, then again I also think no harm is done in the Stig being known post after they are no longer the "regular" Stig. But once he signed the papers BBC is the decider of this second issue.
@Bazza, Delta Blues Man: You are right. this latest season was the first in about 3 that was really worth watching. About season 5-6 was probably the high point, at least in my book.
Hmmm and I thought manually shifted automatics were shitty and lame?... Oh they are.
Looks to be an 87, maybe and 88? The heater controls suggest the an 87 is most likely, as the years went by they had fewer silver buttons. The delaminating it an 80's Japanese car curse. the 89 Starion got rid of the silver buttons entirely and replaced then with 0 tactal feedback "buttons".
@tonyola: You are mistaken, this is the hybrid model. The Mu13 is a dead end and isn't as flexible in that regard. They are hardy and produce a decent amount of torque though. But to get the right parts for replacement you need to use a parts kit from both a D0NK3y and a H0R53.
@Cloud81918: Editing
@FriscoFairlane: I shit you not, I saw a 350 Diesel in a parking lot just the other day. I assume it was running as I didn't see it a few day later, nor was it there a few days before. I though about taking a picture. I really should have.
This was the worst QTD ever.
This was the least clear question ever.
@ssrock64: Ditto! The Jag XJ looked like something out of the past, yet is was very modern. I loved it.
@Vette5885: I agree, the Lotus 7 is an old design, it looks it too.
Is it just me or does the larger guy in the picture look a lot like Randy from "My Name is Earl"?