Just cleaned you car, want to keep it clean? Buy this now. I didn't know how much I'd love this product until I bought it. Granted I don't mess with it on my DD. But I like not having to wash my Friday car every Saturday. You can stretch a good wash and wax out for a long time by using this stuff and some microfiber…
We had a fiberglass one have an incident in our area at an autocross. The guy wasn't lucky enough to make it out with his life. 450+HP in a lightweight being driven by a person without a whole lot of experance make for a horrible outcome. It also doesn't help that most Cobras have near 1960'safty equiptment…
On first look I thought it was worth it, but the it is just too clapped out.
It was trying to unintentionaly accelerate at 32.1740 ft/s2, but sand got in the way.
"It isn't *that* the wind is blowin'. It's *what* the wind is blowin'. If you get hit by a *Volvo*, it don't matter how many sit-ups you did that mornin'."
I will miss it. Never owned one, never will. But I understood the draw.
@Monty: There is the idea that everyone great is crazy. Howard Hughes was a wacko. Tesla and Einstien had their moments. Most others that you can think of had their issues.
Hmmm, here is a thought, what if they just let 2 year old and younger Hybrids in the HOV lane. I've always been interested if speed of transport would sell a certain type of car.
Rowan Atkinson says the the greatest thing about owning a supercar is using it to do everyday activities. Mr. Bean aproves.
The Lotus Esprit never has this issue. it has fuel fills on both sides. But then again I'm not a hot woman in a swimsuit. She wins.
@CABEZAGRANDE: +1 I've been saying this for a while. The new plane is 3 times more expensive than the F-16. We could save money buy replacing F-16s with F-15s rather than with this F-16 replacement. I love new planes, but we should watch the costs a bit.
A gearhead is never really upset at a car for breaking down. A break down can cause all kinds of issues to be upset over, but the car itself now needs fixed and that is sort of fun. A broken car is always a good excuse to bring out wrenches and beers. In fact a true gearhead gets kind of sad when all of the cars he…
Good luck! Awesome adventure awaits.
My throw up, just threw up.
@crzydood17: Agreed, no one will tap the top speed and if they chase after it, they know they are pushing it. It is a bit dumb. I guess it is just to appease the Nanny-folks out there.