@tankman: You failed to grasp what I was saying. If they need such a vehicle then we should have such a vehicle. But rather than blaming the HMMV we should look at it as a failure of tactics. Tactics at a policy and street level.
@tankman: Out of work people have a lot more time. People who see us as a force working against them will try to work against us. It makes sense. People want to see their lives improving and they want to be part of it. As I said before I think the troops have done their best, our governments decisions hurt the troops…
@tankman: No I'm saying rather than have contract agencies such as Haliburton ship in truck drivers and other workers we could have put the workers that all ready existed to work. The Marshal plan worked for WW2, why was it a bad idea elsewhere?
Wow, good save.
@Giovani Alfredo Urrutia: What are you disagreeing with me about? You really aren't saying anything that I didn't say.
@ricepuddin: I never said anything about MPG. People are fighting us with IEDs because they have no choice and nothing else to do.
@tankman: Like I said I suggest that we change tactics.
So what are the straight 6s? Seems to be out of Germany. I'm thinking BMW?
Less car?
@cobrajoe: Don't forget poison and strangling!!!!
@Cloud81918: For all that will reply, this is a joke. I know they are very restrictive. I'm pointing out how restrictive laws don't keep crazies from killing people.
Wow, they need more restrictive gun laws there.
I want one now.
Have we gotten so blind that we can't see the carburetor or the distributor.
@Maymar: I guess I don't follow you. History did have Lamborgini traveling down the Muira path. Their older cars looked like Ferraris.
Wow, 31MPG in a tall wagon type thing. I'm impressed. It is really about time we can get a flexable car like this that can get that type of mileage. The Mustang V6 gives me an epic hard on, but at 8-10K less the more flexible Soul is pretty rad. We truly are in the days of great cars.
@499wishes: That is my thought too.
Seems completely reasonable. Kiss was just trying to right a wrong and Esposito had a want to use handicap parking spaces. It all works out for the best.