In case anyone is wondering, this is Salt Lake City. That spirtal staircase near the beginning is the public library.
In case anyone is wondering, this is Salt Lake City. That spirtal staircase near the beginning is the public library.
This looks like it could be great. Dammit, I really don't wanna buy a Wii U! >_<
"Jerk it."
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yes, there is. If you have any sort of opinion on this other than being interested or ignoring it, it is obvious the problem you have is with the gay part. Regardless of what the activity is, if you are upset over the fact that "gay" is added to it, thats homophobic. I'm not saying you have to plan a trip there, or…
Yes, I did. I answered it by saying they can have one if they want to, regardless of whether or not they are "invited" to regular cons.
Why is a regular Minecraft con necessary? There's a huge flaw in your logic, as Minecraft itself could be represented at a normal video game convention such as PAX, rather than having its own convention. How is this different from having a gay video game convention, other than the fact that gays make you uncomfortable?
I'm pretty disgusted by a lot of the replies here. No one is forcing you to donate, attend, or even pay attention to this convention. There are plenty of other conventions that I'm sure the vast majority of people have no interest in, but as soon as it's a gay one, people start freaking out and being douchebags.…
So, people think Civilization is getting better, and WoW is getting worse? Guess I'm the odd one out, then.
The trailer looked like an original xbox game. I'm a really big deadpool fan, but this looks really... budget.
It's like something I would have drawn on the back of my notebook in middle school.
Wow, the art that they have come up with so far is AWFUL. Like, really, really bad.
You chose Iron Man instead of Scarlet Witch?! Scarlet Witch can take on the Phoenix. Iron Man is a drunk in a battle suit.
What a friggin surprise.
Maybe if you read the article, you'd see that he was diagnosed with ADHD, but nowhere does it say that the games caused it. He probably had it before and it went undiagnosed until he developed addictive behavior.
Completely optional aesthetic content that will in no way effect the game is available for those who choose it! Time to rage and whine!
I am weirded out at the fact that he is very well built, but he seems to have no pecs whatsoever. Did he have a mastectomy? o_O
The deal is the vast majority of gamers are unfortunately bitchy little children that will feel entitled to anything and everything, and will find fault in anything from Gamestop to the Diablo 3 launch.
-shrug- Welcome to the first week of the biggest PC release of this generation.