
It's just a rolling restart. ETA 15 minutes.

If you want anyone to take you seriously, you probably shouldn't make your name "Tony Danza".

Lol, u mad?

At first I was like, yay, Adventure Time game!

I have a Shadaloo tattoo near my left elbow, haha

Shigeru Miyamoto Explains Why the Vita Isn’t "a Very Strong Product":

Well, I guess I'm just an asshole then.

I thought I'd be excited for something like this, but all I can think is, "Wow, I really just want another single player elder scrolls."

It's just a LOT of dialogue before you get into any real fighting, and you start off very, very weak. I love the game, I just think this guy would hate it :P

Man, I can only think "This guy would hate Persona 3 so, so, so damn much".

This is a great deal for people who already shop at places like Rent-a-center, aka, idiots.


Wow, Radec's special is the EXACT same as snakes special in SSBB. This doesn't even look like its trying to be any different.

Cyclops is always a dick, especially about Phoenix. I'm worried about how one sided this is gonna be... like, I can't imagine anyone standing up for the X-Men at this point.

Any chance I have tp show off my persona 3 tattoo, I'll take. :D

Bawww, he wrote a joke about girls and is not a girl! We demand justice!

I actually liked Bastion, tho. :o


Braid was a pompous, arrogant, pretentious piece of crap.

edit: double post