
That quote about LA Noire being derivative from the Far Cry 2 dev is hilarious.

Maybe I'm just a much larger cynic than you, haha. :P

Did you read the article? The point is about how creepy it sounds. He makes it sound like he is trying to attract someone who is looking for a job in the industry, and is willing to date him to achieve that goal. Yes, that is most likely not his intention, but that is very obviously how it comes across, as is stated

You envy a man who can't get a date and has to resort to trying to find women who will sleep with him to get a job?

The last picture is amazingly terrifying.

Here at Paradox, we'd rather stick to bringing you unprofitable RPGs and strategy games that get mediocre reviews and are quickly forgotten by mostly everyone. THATS how you run a company.

There's a large divide between open-mindedness and free speech. I'm down with people being able to say what they want. That doesn't mean they aren't stupid for saying so.

Chances are she is pre-op, and just starting hormones, or hasn't started them at all. It's a process that takes years.

Eh, welcome to the interwebs. Even if people aren't offended by it, they'll act like they are because they think trolling is the best thing ever. It was a solid review done by a knowledgeable gamer... beyond that, whatever.

What's happening in North America like this? I probably missed it. >_>

I am even more excited than ever seeing the emphasis on actual investigation. I can't friggin wait!

Amazingly well played, sir.

Basically. This BS is crazy.

I can understand how he would be upset over this, especially since it was the first he'd ever had in his life, but honestly, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Don't blame the thing you happened to be watching at that moment.

I'm definitely not hopping on the "OMGTHISSUCKSLULZ" bandwagon, but it's definitely making me have second thoughts. I was really looking forward to playing the campaign, but, eh.

Those were two weird games. Crysis 2 had an amazing single player, but the multiplayer was pretty boring. Homefront had pretty enjoyable MP, but the single player was ABYSMAL.

Oh, jeez, I was super excited for this game, but now... I think I'll wait. I hate when my plans to play a new game like this are ruined because of its badness.
