
That was the game I was playing, too, DA2. o_o I started a new game and was 12 hours in in one day.

Monsters, Inc. It's about sleep, and its not too heavy. Plus, cute monsters.

I had a really crappy week. I've been beating myself up over stuff I can't do anything about. Tuesday, I realized at 10pm that I had been playing games straight since 8 am. I really hate feeling like I wasted a day like that. =\

Take this as edit number two...

Wait, what? please tell.

Yes, my dislike of a joke a 5 year old would make certainly is whining. It's a joke, yes. It's a retarded one.

Wow, this may have just convinced me to not buy the game. That was intensely stupid. If this is the result of all their efforts, and they consider it worth making a video feature of, that's pretty sad.

I hope that game phones never become the only option for the platform, a la N-Gage. I have a phone that I like. I don't want to have to spend more to play games because I'm paying for a phone I don't need.

You need to have playstation plus, dont you?

The more videos I watch for this, the less excited I am for it. Right now I'm down to a resounding "eh".

Absolute insanity that he can not only play it, but beat people at tournaments. Much respect.

I knew you were kidding, I just don't want people thinking that they are the same thing.

Yes, PETA are a little nuts, for sure. The ASPCA is a reasonable organization, though. :)

I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for this, but regardless of what PETA or EA or anyone else says, I think Vick is scum. Sure, he served his time, and EA has every right to put him on the cover of a game, but that doesn't mean we all need to forgive him because he can play football well. I personally wouldn't buy a

That's not PETA. Thats the ASPCA, a perfectly normal organization that does nothing but help abandoned animals.

Have you played it? its pretty fun.

It's not about having a stable job as much as not being able to find another one. I mean, I know I won't be in a job my entire career for sure, but I just want to have options.

Hey, if I hit on someone, and they rejected me, I would like them less. It has nothing to do with "gay", it has to do with being rejected. Shut your mouth.

Blue people + evil space company + those posters of a crying indian next to a piece of litter != sequel.