Those cat heroes are really cute. :o
Those cat heroes are really cute. :o
Awww, I hope they make good quality figures out of those two. I will give them money.
I work for a company that lets me try out new games, and then buy or return them. So, yes, normally your argument would be right, but my situation is a little different.
It's too bad that little scrawny kid didn't have a more serious injury. He definitely deserved it.
I picked up a copy of homefront yesterday. It sucks pretty hard. It's a flavor of the month shooter with nothing at all interesting about the gameplay. The story is... meh, but its obvious they spent way more money hyping the game than making it any good. Good thing I can still get my money back on it. Additionally,…
Yeah... except I have no friends. :(
Yeah, there are plenty like that, one of the NCAA basketball games is like that, but Avatar is definitely the fastest.
I wonder how many of those achievement points were unlocked in the Avatar game.
"Sony also provided a statement saying that none of their structures were damaged either, but no one cared."
Trying to beat Dragon Age Origins before I begin DA2. I've tried starting it a few times and gotten distracted by real life, but now I'm about level 11 as a mage and I can't stop playing!
I have A2, and its fun. I'm like 10 hours in, but I need to restart, its been so long I forget how to play >_<
I hope everyone here's friends and family in Japan, as well as many others as possible are doing well after the earthquake.
I'm enjoying it, but part of me thinks its because I'm a huge Diablo fan, and it plays kinda like DA:Origins meets Diablo.
If you're implying that microsoft does nothing about hackers, that's completely false. They honestly have a pretty good system for banning people, and routinely ban people for cheating.
Definitely considering getting it. I have it on PC, but might get it on 360 as well.
I mean, I'm not positive, but I'm hoping they will be able to see what codes were used the last few days, people who accumulated tens of thousands of points, that kinda thing. Just being hopeful I guess.
I meant more that its as serious as stealing cash, not like stealing bills. People think that because its online and its anonymous its not wrong, and thats what gets me.
I'm sure they will track a lot of these people down and ban their accounts, as well as sue the person who posted the way to get the codes. People don't seem to realize that stealing points is 100% identical to stealing cash, and if you are delusional if you think that it is any different.
Yeah, it doesn't need to be anywhere as big as real home, just like an actual house. Loading the full thing would be long, sure, but that could be additional once you stepped outside or something.