@Michael Dukakis: thats the Toll of constant genius.
@Michael Dukakis: thats the Toll of constant genius.
@Michael Dukakis: Not your best work.
@Son-of-MonsterChalk: ...Yeah, I agree. :D
@aaronarmstrong13: Absolutely. This game needs an XBL release. It's one of the best arcade games of all time.
I could build you one on the cost of the Great Salt Lake, but I fear that it is toxic and I may melt if I get anywhere near it.
@Duuuuuuude: Ok, that's the one exception. That, and Intergalacic Proton-Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids.
As soon as I see the word "wackiest" or any variation thereof, I immediately move on to something else. Something about that word just screams "don't bother".
Summer means failing all my summer semester classes because I'm playing video games instead.
In prison, I hear they only have a ColecoVision.
@EskimoPimp: Yeah, but the way I see it, some sort of machanical device could theoretically make them do that. I really doubt that whatever collar the shark had on also have it the ability to growl menacingly. Then again, the science of shark and octopus fusion is something that still escapes me.
Sharktopus look absolutely amazing. My favorite part was how it like, growled and snarled. Neither sharks nor octopi do that....
Gay(ming) Pride parade, here we come!
It's ok, the orphans still love him.
@OriginalGman: Aws. Returned. :P
@xsbs: Don't forget the righteousness!
"Why excuse me young lady, you seem to have fallen onto the stack of games I couldn't sell anyone ever."
Persona 3 Portable, fo sho. :D
@Michael William: Bam. ^_~
@jasbir.singh: Think of all the cool tricks you could do through tentacle aerodynamics!
@josephmeraz: This.