Looks like a Taurus and a Chrysler 300 shared a bottle of Boones Farm then did the nasty.
Looks like a Taurus and a Chrysler 300 shared a bottle of Boones Farm then did the nasty.
Yeah, it cut off 2 years and guessed that I’m a male, but I got a Hmm as well.
hehe small blip
I have Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Splatoon, and Mario Maker, but I also have a family and limited time to play so I’ve barely touched them in months. I’m typically gaming on PS4 anyways with Rocket League, Destiny, and now Fallout 4, but this is the only game that is keeping me from selling my Wii U.
Does this mean you’re breaking the embargo by letting us know the date of the embargo on the embargo of the review? Or are you still abiding by the embargo because you’re not telling us when you’re going to post the review once the embargo has lifted?
I live in Nebraska. There are an abundance of all Subarus on the roads here. It’s really quite silly how many you can see on the daily commute.
I figured as much, but thought I’d go to the cow rather than try to milk the internet for my answer.
Mike, my buddy downloaded just about every single song while playing on the xbox 360. He’s now playing on PS4. Is he SOL for getting all that sweet DLC on the PS4 version?
I love the exotic helm that I got from Xur last week that gives me the ability to hover when I scope in on enemies. I appreciate the update for this alone. Everything else is icing on the cake.
This was the sway bar links in my wifes Highlander.
Right now my 07 Subaru has a heat shield rattle and a squeal of metal on rotor indicating my brakes are getting low and need replaced.
I’m in it for the same. I just don’t care to play all that much PvP and need more PvE to get me to pick it up.
First appearance in Space Jam in 1996 so she would actually be 19.
I think I am most excited about making a level that my 3 year old could easily play then making it progressively more difficult.
Give me a Taurus SHO. It could be my next daily driver.
Something more modern than what has been said, the Ford Flex.
I play Destiny, but I haven’t looked into what sort of price I’m paying for the new stuff. I own the original as well as the season pass. Can someone tell me my options here to get the full experience out of The Taken King?
“...it is more a character piece...” This season has been insanely weak on building the characters. I don’t care what happens to any of them where I did care that Rust and Marty made it through Season 1.
I think Nintendo is going into panic mode just a bit by putting out something else since the Wii U sales have stagnated.