
I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 2, but I haven’t played it in probably 15 years. I recently gave Diablo 3 a try because I loved playing the second one way back when, but I just couldn’t get into it as much. I’m not going to go back to play Fallout 2 because I think the nostalgia is better in my mind than what the game

First glance it reminds me of a Honda Pilot face, but I like GMC styling so I also think it looks good.

There are conflicting reports of where the Reuben was created, but because I am biased from where I live, I have to agree with the Omaha location. Across the street from where it was created you can still get a reuben and it is the best reuben sandwich I’ve ever had.

Found the Database Admin

More embarrassing than anything, but I snapped a caliper pin changing brakes. My mind didn’t change righty tighty lefty loosey on the reverse side of the rotor.

Something unremarkable in every way except for reliability.

I wish I could customize my Mii-verse page. Turning on the Wii U in a dark room is like having a flashlight pointed at your eyes and I’d like to be able to make it darker.

I don’t think it’s necessarily boring, but I have trouble being interested in the main characters. I think it’s possible that I’ve type casted many of the people in my mind so it’s hard to believe their characters. Namely Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams while I lied because Taylor Kitsch is boring. Colin Farrell is

I bought it and have played it quite a bit to get up to lvl 10. I don’t love the game though. It feels like it could be much more deeper than it is. The fact that you can’t remain on your friends team in matches is a little infuriating. It’s also annoying how they constantly have to make the teams even so that in

Now get the 500 Abarth racing next to it and record their sounds together.

Dear Nintendo: That wasn’t as bad as the year you tried to make me excited for Wii Music, but it still wasn’t all that good.

My biggest issue is their Sunday reveals of Smash content. I figured that with that coming before E3’s typical events that they had some even more awesome news. The only thing I’m slightly interested in is the new Yoshi yarn game and Mario Maker and I could easily pass on both of them.

I don’t game for long periods of time anymore, but back in the day of N64 my friends and I would go all night playing Super Smash Bros, Goldeneye, Gauntlet Legends fueled by a 24 block of Mt Dew or Pepsi and a Pizza Hut Big New Yorker.

I think it’s the booze that finally helped me put on the pounds.

I just generally have little interest in playing PvP. I’ve done it a few times, but I don’t really have the time to play it and get good enough where I’m not killed constantly.

How old are you? I was 6’ and 135 lbs when I was a senior in high school. My metabolism slowed and now I’m around 200lbs at 30 years old. I’d like to believe that I can still eat whatever I want, but that’s no longer the case.

I like Adventure Time, but I’ve always had an issue that John DiMaggio is doing nearly the same voice for Jake that he does for Bender.

This is still an improvement over that year they released Wii Music. *shudder*

I understand where you’re coming from and I can’t really describe the desire that burns deep inside of me to buy more of them. I got Fox as a freebee for buying Smash Bros. I have since lost that fox, but the exclusiveness forced me to go searching for a gold mario at 6 in the morning on a friday at a Walmart of all

I love the new Corvette, but I still expect a man of retirement age and a bit of a gut to buy them.