
So hating gay people and the disabled is just a “different opinion” now?

For me it was much more mundane, someone saying “stop sucking ass and go for the objective”.  Muted.  Not interested

“What matters far more is the degree of freedom people have to express that toxicity and how much they can get away with in a given title.”

Which is exactly why Xbox Live is a common reference for this behavior. The barrier to entry to get on the service was waaaaay lower than greybeards playing Quake. Online PC gaming

“I have no argument”

You misunderstood my comment in the dumbest way possible and I’m not going to help you understand it.

Nope. You have zero clue and it’s hugely fucking irresponsible of you to make assumptions about their character.

WHY would they encourage their teammate to publicly tell an Epic executive to kill himself before a tournament? What possible logic is there behind that? It’s fine to think whatever you want, but it really

So we’re doing guilt by association now?  I don’t really like that at all.

You can call it “weaponizing social justice language”, but I call it “making a reference for the sake of comparison”. When someone says “You know who else was just ‘doing their job’ too?”, they’re not equating corporate automatons with literal actual Nazis, they’re making a point about personal choices and

Okay so for one, did you not get that “dick move” being an industry term was a joke?

And, great, so they’re legally within their rights but it still hurts the communities that love and spend billions on their products.  I’ll not be shedding a tear for Nintendo here.

Not really weird at all, considering they shut down any and all fan projects regardless of if it threatens their IP or not.  Nintendo is known for pulling what the industry calls “dick moves”.

The “subpar” is referring to the state of the netcode within Dolphin that was being used before Slippi was released, not to the nonexistence of online play at the time of launch.

You’re doing the same thing here Ash is doing. He literally came out and said “my point is that something being legal doesn’t make it right”, and it’s in the article, and you continue to put these words in his mouth.

I mean.. he clarified himself and then you just continued to attack the straw man of your original “video games are like Civil Rights and I’m basically MLK” interpretation.  I get people thirst for reasons to go “OH YIKES THAT AINT IT CHIEF” on social media, but can we really not just listen to what he said?


I’m convinced only sociopaths hit “Right” on the PS4 power menu instead of selecting it with X.

Since when is Star Wars for children?  Not everything that isn’t a crime drama is made for kids, you know.

I really don’t understand how it’s hard to follow.  It’s basically just 3 steps.  Sephiroth dies, planet spits him back out as 3 aspects of himself, those 3 beings are trying to form back together again.  Any plot will seem convoluted if you break down its elements further and further.

It’s pretty clear that her “tough” aesthetic came about because Coco and Crash bit the dust in her world, and she had to take up the mantle as its hero.

Shouldn’t we be trying to move past being able to point out a gay person based on how they look?  This mentality seems like a step backward.

They need to make sure you know about it before the pandemic is over.

OK, and how does this get written into a game in an exciting, engaging way? To me, perfect boyscout Superman has always been the most boring version of him, and I’m certain I’m not the only one.

How is a all-powerful all-good guy also not the laziest shit imaginable?