
[Just to help out anyone who, like me, ends up searching to understand new (at least to me) words (which between Jez and my advancing age is happening to me more and more).]

The author of this Jez article couldn't spell it either. Teh langauagage. Iz hardz.

Miss Lebanon didn't even spell "Israel" right in her stupid fucking post.

I was estranged from my mom for years. It probably wouldn't have been that long had she been truthful about some major events on her life (one of them being why she became a fugitive) when I point blank asked her. At the time, she told me it wasn't her fault that I didn't trust her and I needed to forgive and forget

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

I am always struck by how her true, honest exploration of sexual power and play with female imagery throughout time makes some people uncomfortable while less skilled artists childish, superfluous dabbling in such things are so lazily accepted.

I'm really embarrassed for you if you're over 12.

Weren't you leaving? Because of all the harpies who weren't overawed by the way you benevolently explain to women how they need to look in order to make you happy?

Protip: If you have to insist that you're a nice guy, you are not a nice guy.

If it weren't about your tastes, you wouldn't be "trying to convince her" of anything. You would let her know if that if she's doing it for you, she doesn't have to cuz she's beautiful as unicorn poop or whatever, and then respect her decision to keep doing it.

Her soul and self-worth. So lumpy.

You used the word convince. If you had said "I think my girlfriend is beautiful without makeup but I understand that she is dealing with societal pressures" nobody would have had a problem. Don't blame us for your word choices.

Yeah, Mr. Genuinely Nice Dude, I think based on the profound cluelessness and narcissism of your initial message, no one is going to be surprised (or disappointed) that you've flounced rather than learning anything.

I'm all about choice. But choices don't happen in a vacuum. They are informed by our culture and even people who are really social justice oriented aren't immune. I actually want to get breast reduction and I really wrestle with how much of that is because of the discomfort my large breasts cause and how much of

Plastic surgery is immensely popular in Latin America, especially in countries like Colombia and Brazil.

Ehh I don't think critiquing the rising prevalence of plastic surgery infringes on agency. I'm definitely 3/4th wave and we have a pretty good grasp on the failures of "choose your choice" feminism and why agency is never completely unhindered. Choices are not made in a vaccuum. Should we shame individual women for

This kind of thing is why I don't understand the common third or fourth wave feminist position that we shouldn't criticize the prevalence of plastic surgery because it's "shaming"

Liposuction as a prize for a beauty contest? Literally, "You are the most beautiful person out of all the contestants and you're still not good enough."

Cando initially turned down the surgery, but eventually caved under pressure from a surgeon.