
Nailed it. A frenemy once told me, in all earnestness, that he had no respect for people who don't feel passionately about what they do, or who work jobs "just for the paycheck." At the time, he was entering year 2 of his mid-life crisis at 41 and living with his 70-year-old parents.

"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" has always struck me as one of the most classist "proverbs" to ever exist. Nice sentiment if you happen to be one of those people with enough money to do whatever the fuck you want all the time.

Here's the thing. I've experienced entitled guys acting like this over the years so many times, at school, on the street, in the bars, in the workplace, etc. It's so bloody common. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and I would NEVER act so entitled to a stranger, let alone someone I like or love. I have been in

Assuming this exchange is from this month...that's not even THAT much money (also assuming he makes that much each quarter, which he probably doesn't). $128,000 / year is nothing to sneeze at but it's not private-jet-to-Cap-d'Antibes money. (I said this above, but graysgraysgrays :( )

The "Learn your place" line is breathtaking. Psychopathic.

I just love how much and for how long he freaked out. The block feature definitely comes in handy, but for this guy... SOOO glad it's on the internet now! That one really takes the cake. What a weirdo!

Okay, I am an older type lady, and I have to say that I find this shocking. Guys didn't used to act this way during the 80's/90's when I was dating. I guess it's the distance people feel they have online?

Ill never understand what the hell goes through their minds.

It's mostly just sad and funny except that the sexual entitlement attitude is what leads to rape and other crimes. The manifesto video of the shooting spree kid at UCSB reeked of this.

dtf doesn't mean dtf ANYBODY. Like sure you go on tinder usually because you want to date/bone but that doesn't mean you want to date/bone literally any guy who sends you a message. Just because she's not into that guy doesn't mean she's not into anyone — he just came across as a huge toolbox to start with and she

Just because you want sex with someone, doesn't mean you want sex with everyone and anyone. Are there people you wouldn't fuck? If they hit on you?

I was a moderator at OKCupid for a while and we'd see this kind of behavior all too often in flagged messages. Sometimes message exchanges would seem to be going well and then out of the blue, either because the man thought the woman didn't reply quickly enough to a message or because he couldn't keep up the

There you are, Tom!

I think in terms of something like Tinder, it can weed out these absolute psychos a lot faster. They usually show their true colours pretty quickly, like they'll want to see your boobs really quickly and freak out when you refuse.

Stuff like this makes me so wary of dating men. These men who spew hatred towards women online are people we all know: our coworkers, neighbours, friends, current and ex boyfriends. The Internet just allows them the freedom to go on verbally abusive tirades and say hateful, sexist things they wouldn't have the courage

Linking them to their mother's Facebook page works better, if you get that far down the identity route.

This is what happens when you praise every little thing your sons do.

That line is utterly hilarious. It's not "I look like Ashton Kutcher." it's "Black people think I'm Ashton Kutcher." I'm sure there's some underlying racist non-logic I'm not getting, but as it stands, specifying black people in this situation is so nonsensical it's making my sides hurt.

Wow, that is mind blowing.

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.