
But there is a big difference between voicing your point of view from your perspective and completely discouraging someone from their goals because YOU believe they will fail. It's not a constructive opinion or suggestion, it's someone completely burying another person in their perceptions and negativity.

Ahh! I would've loved to recommend your post a thousand times over, if this was one of those horrible letters where a close friend has become "depressing" and the columnist advises something like "slowly cut off contact with this TOXIC person and fill your life with positive people."

Is this just a conditioned response to how society acts or maybe an attempt to make themselves feel better by putting others down?

Oh, how could I have forgotten Roosh? Yeah, he's pretty horrifying, too. Again, these guys don't necessarily represent the majority of the PUA community, but they definitely have their nasty little claws in the community and are looked up to by a number of aspiring PUAs.

These guys are monsters. The one called Roosh says to 'Treat women like mindless fuck-toys who are garbage".

See, a 'cutie'. So somebody young and pretty and that's all. As the other men here have stated, why not treat women as people, get to know them and then you will find that the 'cuteness' will appear. It works the same for men and women. Your ideas of cuteness are of course not your own. They are derived from years of

Hate to tell you, but truly nice guys can get the girl. Unfortunately, too many "nice guys" think they are entitled to a woman and as it turns out they aren't really nice guys at all.

Have you tried OkCupid? If you weren't a douche, you could get laid by using OkCupid. You might even get a girlfriend. But more importantly, why the fuck would approach a random woman on the street and think she gives a shit about you? 95% of women have better things (boyfriends/jobs/errands) on their mind than your

Er, honey? Women did not create the need for PUAs. PUAs are men who can't be assed to actually be nice and try to get to know said women. And then get mad when "hey, let's go bang" gets met with "haha, no."

Yeah, I bet your definition of "nice guy" is conveniently self serving.

The thing about Game is that it works on people who want it to work on them. Some women are just down to be picked up by strangers, and so they're open to these techniques. Some are not open to it, and so you can't use Game on them the way you can other people.

You got a whole list of (what I assume are mostly)women right here telling you that you seem weird and out of touch. Maybe your PUA manuals might have some advice for you on how to continue further based on this consensus.

And REALLY are you REALLY on Jezebel trying to defend PUA literature? Do you actually read any of

There is no way to ask what a woman what her sign is without being labeled creepy.

well, my "case study" shits on your "there is no way to ask a woman what her sign is without being labeled creepy" logic.

Not true. I'm a nice guy whose niceness and lack of outright sexual aggression lead directly to a wonderful and supportive relationship with a a beautiful and interesting woman.

Maybe because the concept of trying to use the "what's your sign" pickup line is hackneyed and prosaic.

I dunno clubs and volunteering and friends of friends and parties. I don't feel I need "game" to talk to a women.

I mean god forbid you have a life filled with hobbies and friends and learning new skills. Getting to know a women before you ask her out and actually liking the person you are going on a date with. The vast majority of women will say yes to a date if they know you and you aren't a massive dickhead.

"Women created the need for PUAs"

More importantly, what kind of asshole drives a ferrari THREE BLOCKS in NYC, only to street-park it?????