
I have literally no idea who any of these women or their fiances are. And I just don't care enough to google it.

Can interviewers stop asking 20 year old pop stars about their stance on feminism now, please? It clearly flusters most, especially those who are coached on what is and isn't okay to say. By all means, they can volunteer the information, and start a conversation, but I'm getting really tired of reading the terrified

Yeah, where is the rage about cultural appropriation and her sexing up religious garments that are based on female modesty in a culture that already suffers from fetishization and is seen as "exotic"? Oh, right. All non-white and non-Western people are inherently noble, according to Jez logic.

You know what, I'm siding with the Mosque. It's a place for worship and while Rihanna is covered up that is simply not enough. Not every place is her personal backdrop for a photoshoot. Some places are too holy and it's disrespectful and distracting for those who are there with the intention of prayer.

It really depresses me how someone like Lena Dunham is constantly reduced to her body and what she puts on it.

Or Anna Wintour sees dollar signs... Also, this comment is gross.

It's just one step forward, two steps back with you. No one hired you on as feminism's PR agent. The fact that you feel the need to lecture me on the basics of advertising, and human nature is condescending, not enlightening. I know buddy; what I question is why people you constantly, and I mean constantly, demand it

Wow, now we can get in trouble for a demeanor, too? Yeah, that's feminist as hell - "hmmm, you seem like a whore of Satan, you just have that unholy air to you, better burn you just to be safe."

Then you know there were many people holding these beliefs in earnest. I mean, you made a pastime of reading them.

How is it not much better? Men need to feel needed, women need to be put in their place. Men need to ejaculate, women need to know their place. Men need to grow up, women need to be controlled. Men need to cheat, women need to be disciplined. Only one of those has a pattern of control, oppression and violence.

The words and phrases that pop up are the most popular Google search queries. They aren't just random. So these searches are obviously far more common than many people think.

"I guess maybe that's evidence that patriarchy isn't just a women's problem; it's a human problem. The negative views of either gender are harmful to both."

oh fuck it i don't have the energy

Well here's the thing - the bikini line is not too low. That is a very covering bikini actually. The fact that her hair is showing is the "problem". I can promise that if another woman posted a similar picture but with a bikini bottom much MUCH lower, but wasn't showing any hair, Instagram would not delete their

Instagram hss over 17k pics tagged with #pubes and they are apparently okay with pubes as long as they are on a man. I found this pic on instagram as well as the one above.

That is a pretty fucking subjective judgment.

Good on her for speaking out. If there hadn't been any hair showing that photo wouldn't have caused a problem. That's subliminally telling us that no hair = acceptable, hair down there = unacceptable. THIS IS BULLSHIT.

Spoiler alert: women have fucking pubic hair. We ALSO have nipples!!! Shocking. Do we think a similar picture of a man would have been reported/removed?

What scares me as a European, is that the most powerful economy in the world is ruled by some terrifyingly idiotic and incompetent legislators. Watching this whole debt ceiling crisis unfold, which if not solved wouldn't just ruin your guys' economy but drag us right down there with you, has been very uncomfortable. I

Oh good... yet another person who acts like a douche and then gets rewarded with free publicity for their stupid, vacuous, fart-sniffing blog.