
Oh fuck off with your "stereotypical Jezebel reader" you stereotypical male dipshidiot. Conducted a comprehensive survey of all the Jezebel readers of the world lately have you? You came here to tell us you don't like anyone here so that's why you're here?
Just. Fuck. Off.

I think I actually felt my heart break in two when I read your comment. I don't want to say anything stupid, which I often do. So, I'll just say that I have a deep respect for you and that I wish for many good things to happen in your life.

Holda, holda, holda. If Jez's stance is that women of color shouldn't be silenced, why have I seen comments removed when WOC try to ask about Hugo Schwyzer? No comment. Or when NINJACATE's (now ZOMBIECATE) post on groupthink went viral (I'd say 1,575,007 hits would count as viral), it was completely ignored and pushed

There is a massive disconnect between DiChristina's initial tweeted explanation for removing the post, and her later, more comprehensive explanation.

When they leave "science" articles like this one up? If there is a stated and consistent standard, that is one thing. This is something else.

I'm going to paraphrase a comment you made yourself:

"...a white and/or male scientist likely wouldn't have had to face this sort of discrimination in the first place."

All I can do is say that, babygirl, I've BEEN there.

Smart move on your part to not trust him, and to not let him into your home after sending the e-mail. Even if he wasn't going to hurt you (which we'll never know), there was no reason for you to trust a person acting that creepy.

It's amazing to me that we as a society still don't immediately notify the authorities when sexual crimes are committed. And I say this as someone who was the victim of a sexual crime and didn't report it myself. The little nuanced intricacies of reaction to sexual assault... We still have a long way to go until

It makes me sick how many victims get the "not worth your time to report it to the police" line. Just sick. We don't discourage victims of any other kind of crime not to report it to the police; this is so fucked up.

What strikes me is how this is overwhelmingly a phenomenon that happens to women, just like creepshots, just like sexual violence, just like revenge porn. Technology like the Internet and cell phones that can record in fairly high quality at a moment's notice coupled, with the lack of real, meaningful legal and social

I think you are missing the point.

Alright, I'm gonna clutch some pearls here, so bear with me. But is that just where we are all heading...something upsetting is happening to someone in your line of vision so you just HAVE to record it? I was out front of CVS the other day when a guy got slammed to the ground in grand fashion by the police. (Never got

That I do know - raising kids here is truly both parents doing 50/50 on the work load. By far most families have both parents working. School starts at 8, and one or the other parent drops the kids off then. So the office really gets going at 830. For everyone. You don't have people showing up at 630 trying to get a

Brilliant idea, lady! I hadn't even thought of it all myself that way. You are 100% correct that the second I walk with literally any man - nothing happens. And so I suppose a lot of the decent guys have no idea how bad it really can be.

You can keep the compliment; it was earned. Jezebel is a learning space - people have always used this blog as a place to learn about progressive ideas and work through their different issues and arguments. As a man I can tell it must be weird to get used to women talking openly about experiences like harassment,

You know, I couldn't quite believe guys who didn't see the sexism until I fell in love and started living with my partner, who is a man but has truly held me as his equal. One of the major components of the constant sexism, like verbal abuse on the street, is that it goes completely silent if you are with a man. I

It is interesting that he connected misogyny to his own hazing or bullying. If anyone is reading this from a male perspective and trying to understand what it feels like for a woman to hear a rape joke, that is a pretty good perspective to take.

@travrois: The cognitive dissonance within your own comment is flooring me.