
You sir are a master at Jekyll & Hyde!!

Or you can realize that Dubai is very lax with alcohol rules. They have Irish pubs... Irish pubs!

Seems legit.

I'm not trying to support your comment with a stereotype you are denouncing but I don't know many men that have referred to random women as 'creepers'. It is primarily used by women when talking about dating and/or strangers.

That is a thing of nightmares. Well done.

The greatest disgrace of this all was completely ignoring penile antennae.

This is why some international hubs have the right idea by allowing guests to rent shower rooms in the terminal for 30 minutes (or more).

You mean... this isn't a good way to travel?

See... this is how I would visualize you traveling. Minus the horrendous animal cruelty and all!! You're too cool for that noise.

Yeah, if she refused to stash it in one of those closets, wanted to use a seat and the plane had no empty seats then I can't really get too outraged here. If it wasn't full and they were just being dicks, then not cool.

I think you misunderstood what you wrote. You said she's protesting that the DMV is prohibiting people from wearing "clothing that could obscure your face" and then stated that everyone has the right to wear anything they want.

It's government issued identification. The average user has it not for nefarious purposes but to check into airlines, purchase booze, provide positive identification, proof that you have a valid driver's license (required for some jobs), etc. There is zero point for calling something 'identification' if your face is

I can vouch for the tastiness as well!! So delicious.

It definitely makes it harder to choose!!

Clearly, you do not have a vagina *shudder*.

No judgment here! But I hope that's for a grower and not a shower.

An ex boyfriend of mine spelled 'Latte' as 'champagne'. We were both heavily amused!

But... but. We eat his flesh! ;)

I had some douchebag that was messing with me when I was bartending asking me all types of questions about random things as if I was stupid. Two were alright but their idiot friend kept asking me stupid shit. So at one point he stupidly asked 'I bet you can't spell my last name...' and then said an uncommon name and I

Off topic (sort of) but I was incredibly grateful for the displays of food when I was in Japan. From desserts to sushi, to ramen and beyond. I'm primarily visual though (at least regarding food and learning) and I had a much easier time trying things I might not have otherwise if I could only read a description.