
And here is the thing, on a Hellcat or a Gt3 I can understand the mindset of someone paying the markup because they want it now. But who is this buyer that is so hot for a Veloster N?

Wait until they release the CT5-V. The Cadillac Cadillac Touring Five Five. 

Is that what is stands for? Damn. For some reason, I always thought it was Catera Touring Sedan after the Catera was retired. The DTS and STS were basically DeVille Touring Sedan and SeVille Touring Sedan, since they replaced the DeVille and SeVille, right? Or am I just completely off-base here?

i have such a lady boner for this car that its insane. now i just need to find 50k somewhere and make my dreams come true. 

And with a Tesla, you...can’t test drive it, might have trouble getting a refund even if you do return it in the 7-day window, might not have a service center in your state, and could have to wait MONTHS for repair parts to come in.

Bade engineered? I love how people throw that term around when something shares a platform with something else. Nothing but the platform is shared with other GM models, and Epsilon II was a solid platform anyway.

I’ll pass on this one. Counting down the days left until 2036 when I can legally import one of the 27 NG 9-5 SportCombis in existence to the US. Hopefully a few will survive.

Nope. 6.2 is just right. 5.7 means you fell for the “hemi” marketing or perhaps TRD stickers.

When you mentioned S7 my mind immediately went to Saleen and thought who the hell would buy one of those to drive it like a grandma?

I mean you can say what you want but don’t insult Saab like that


Any event, I’ll be that guy. If it had a stick, I’d probably be taking a good, long look.  For now, I’ll just shake my head and think “so close.”

I’m with you, no idea on that one. I suspect he’s still up to his usual used car shenanigans under the Elder Mitsubishi brand though. Also, I imagine a Mitsu franchise is dirt cheap right now thanks to their sales figures, and the target demographic for a new Mitsu isn’t much different than his previous 500 credit

Mitsubishi was so ubiquitous 20 years ago that it just blows my mind what they’ve become. The Mitsubishi Eclipse was the default “car to buy my daughter for her high school graduation” of my generation, and now... this.

See, that would make more sense. We’ll give you manual, because you’re an enthusiast who’s willing to pay extra for it, so here’s a little extra AWD and turbo power for ya.

Now they need to offer the manuals with the premium engines. They can charge more money. Why wouldn’t they?

I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.