: )
Also: How the hell did that cat get inside the medicine cabinet
OMG I saw this gif after it started and for the life of me I thought they put a goldfish in a centrifuge.
Nope nope nope.
What an idiot!
It's the psyche of a man trapped in a robot...
But the man doesn't know he's in a robot...
The psyche is showing frustration and anger...
The psyche of the man in a robot is now talking to the actual man...
The actual man has no idea why, his now confirmed, psyche is in a robot...
A robot that thinks, feels, displays…
I don't get this... yet it feels totally appropriate.
I'm a 21 year old virgin. I didn't choose this because some religious nutcases told me that it is my most "precious gift" and that I need to offer this gift to my husband. I chose this because I want my first experience to be with someone I care about, but that might change because I'm impatient lol. But if I did make…
That last bit was fantastic! It was like one twist after the next! M. Night Shamalamadingdong would be proud.
It was the first thing I thought of...
came for Star Trek reference, leaving satisfied....
That's nice, for 1994
I have a suspicion that Valve will announce that HL3 is exclusive to Steam and that would totally suck. I really can't buy one of these machines just for one game (and no, I don't like the L4D series).
Trailer Here (for now):
I had such a thing for Hexadecimal...and who can blame me?
Going to another Mass Effect "race" the Geth are just one single consciousness/network. Take that central brain down and you have a bunch of lawn ornaments. Legion was pretty badass though.