
Indians are severely misrepresented or fetishized in western culture. Sex And The City was soooo guilty of this sort of thing.

Yes. Although I welcome comments on any unique issues nuances on this that South Asians face.

B-b-but, if we don’t have racism, what can we possibly do for entertainment??

Seriously, that was so much facepalm.

I wasn’t aware that Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima were anti-black phrases. Is there a more preferable phrase for “POC who supports white supremacy” that non-black POC can use? Because Asian people really, really need one.

Yes, you’re certainly right. I don’t want to turn this into the oppression olympics, and any suggestion that black people other POC “have it so good” is patently ridiculous.


Omg my best friend is Korean and the amount of shit she’ll just casually mention is insane. Like the things people say to her is just out of the world.

I walked into our local children’s hospital this week and saw/overheard a man who looked to be in his 50s ranting at the information desk about “Orientals.”

As an asian man, I honestly think that every PoC occasionally feels like we’re the only group that people can be racist to and get away with it. I suspect it’s a bit of a confirmation bias; we’re more likely to pick up on the things that directly affect us, and often miss the things that affect others. That being

I like to call them Uncle Wongs.

I *love* how they point to us Asians as “model minorities” and use us to show off how America is meritocracy, then turn around to remind us we’re not really “American”.

Asians are the last refuge of the American racist. The last people they can abuse with no consequences. It truly is amazing the level of racism that is deemed acceptable to direct at Asian people the equivalent of which would grant instant pariah status were it directed at any other minority group.

The fact that they

Yes, I know the the idea isn't part of mainstream Feminism. But the problem is that every response to street harassment we've tried have failed. As far as I'm concerned, advocating solutions like "teaching men to respect women" or "take pictures of them and shame them on the internet" is effectively advocating for

Oh, so I suppose it's up to the harassers to come to the light, see the error of their ways, and stop their disgusting behavior all on their own? Newsflash: they're not going to stop. None of the "solutions" we've tried have worked. The only thing that seems to have any effect at all is the threat of violence. Other

Ok, well if SYG is really only ever used to acquit white people killing black people, then yeah, using it here would be problematic, since only white women killing black male harassers would get off, which would indeed exacerbate the already racist application of the law.

"We just want respect and to be treated as equals." Do you know how many people have died for that sentiment?

You know what's really not constructive? All the efforts so far to end street harassment. Hollaback has been around for what, 4 years now? Have things gotten any better? No. In fact judging from what women have been saying the past few weeks with the #YesAllWomen movement they've probably gotten worse. I'm done being