yeah 27 isn’t a kid :) I was married for 9 years with 3 kids by 27, just own up to stuff lol
yeah 27 isn’t a kid :) I was married for 9 years with 3 kids by 27, just own up to stuff lol
Am I the only one who does not care and thinks this was stupid?
No one is required to go to college. You are not forced to take out a student loan. I’d like to know the age of all the whiners in the comments here.
Sad, there is no viable replacement for oil anywhere on the radar in the near future. These man made global warming tyrants rely on 150 years of weather data in a world they believe is millions of years old? Oil is a great energy source, we’ve made it clean, and we have TONS of it.
Me too, I instantly recognized where the video was, and went running to show my wife.
I knew exactly where it was, reccognized the first exit they passsed. All the crazy happens between Northland Ave. and Green Bay.
The Ford Taurus, especially a Limited, has by far the nicest interior of any car in it's class that's not a "luxury" car.
Go with US Cellular, get the Electrify M, and phone size won't be an issue. OR pay more and get the iphone. Don't however be sucked by Belief Points, they're not good for much, and the getting restricted more and more.
Just got a NEX F3, it's very nice, for the price it can't be beat it's half of what all cameras in the top 5 go for