

Seriously, ANOTHER article about dating dudes? Can Jezebel please stoppretending that all of its readers are straight? Seriously people, the heteronormativity here is getting fucking exhausting.

Debating over that bag of Funyuns or that Zagnut bar you think has been in the vending machine since 1998? A new requirement to include calorie information on said machines could help you make up your mind.

Ok, so this is more like straight-up marry, but:

Seriously dude, heteronormative much?

Men can be rape-victims too. It doesn't do anyone any good to fling around the myth that sexual abuse does not directly affect men. I know this wasn't the main point of your post, but it's important not to marginalize male rape victims by declaring that they don't exist.

Define white?

You get that race is something we literally made up, right? And BTW, lots of people define Arab as white. They don't even have "Arab" as a thing on a lot of forms where you have to check off what race you identify with. Race is a complicated social construct. Who is considered "white" has changed a lot over the years.

I want mooooorre.

Oooh boy. Ok. Because we white feminists have a nasty habit of routinely excluding black women and the issues that effect them from the movement; also, many of us do this not so savory thing where we are totally complicit in racism and refuse to acknowledge it. To make a verrrry long (hi)story short. Time for you to

"Geez. Contrary to what white supremacy will tell you, there is room for more than one black woman to succeed in this world."

Who is not allowing you to like other female musicians? I've never felt pressure as a feminist to exclusively like Beyonce. I do not see how praising Beyonce for her work/covering stories about one of the most influential women in music today especially since her new album literally just came out is doing "an immense

Thank you for introducing me to this!

Michelle, you're my hero.

Uh bro... it's most definitely racism. Like, really blatant racism. Way to show WoC solidarity there...