
Your "personal observations" of the various Black and Latina women you've come across don't qualify you to make sweeping generalizations about "most" of them. That's called stereotyping. I really can't speak too well to butt-beauty standards particular to those communities, but I have seen no hard data to support your

I kind of do the opposite of this... First of all, I don't usually wear make-up everyday. I never really got into it, mostly because putting it on is too time-consuming for me. It's more of a fancy occasion/out on the town sort of thing for me. I also kind of have this deep dread that if I started wearing it all the

Aw HELL yeah.

W/E, Do you bro.

$20 she's cheating on the left one with the right one.

Woah, that was ridiculously racist! Not cool, bro.

OMG, can Huck come tooooooooo?

Dawww, thanks Bro :)

Now go slut it up at a newly reopened national monument to celebrate.

Ted Cruz and Tea Party fun bunch

Um no, I don't work in the legal profession. That doesn't disqualify me from participating in this discussion though. Nice try, but throwing impressive-sounding legal terms at me isn't going to magically make me think I'm too dumb to debate this issue with you. (Especially when you've stated you're no lawyer either).

I could give a dick about losing weight, but that aside, beef tea and stewed fruit is sounding strangely delicious right now...

She stated everything very clearly for our purposes. I don't know what more you want or think you deserve. If she needs to go into further detail, it isn't for us, it's for the people involved in her case. And whatever dumb hypothetical you try to come up with about his comments will never mask the fact that you are

I'm well aware that sexual assault and sexual harassment are not the same (although there is certainly overlap, which I will get to in a minute). I was saying that your classification of his words as "a rude comment" was downplaying the severity of their impact; that even if he hadn't done anything else (which HE DID)

Um, the assault was caught on camera. Do you need to see the footage yourself? What about the fact that what you describe as merely a "rude comment" actually constitutes sexual harassment on its own? What about the part where he followed her into the steam room/locker room or is she making that up? Why do you have

You are correct that it wasn't "rape." As the update on this article states, the victim was never accusing the man of that.

I was like, "Nope, actually he looks exactly the same."

Lindy, your relationship with your boyfriend always seems irreparably adorable to me. Go forth and be cute and awesome together.

See, I feel like Olivia wouldn't take his case...

Is this last sentence a secret dig on Gretchen's part, hinting that perhaps Brandy's growing fetus is fathered by someone other than her new husband? No...just me?