
Don't people have to crack their console in order to do this? Doesn't sound worth it.

Clannad... Not now.. I don't want cry right now.. i am supposed to be happy for these reveals..

That is awesome. lol

Is that a movie? What is the name of it?

Whaaat? Boring soundtrack? I always loved listening to the music of the Sims games while i build houses, and buy furniture.. If the soundtrack is the same as the older Sims games, and you just find that boring, then i disagree, and will love listening to it again. lol Will be getting this game for sure though.

Maybe not that high, but it is going to pass 50 million units by the end of this year i am sure which is a huge success for a system that hasn't even been out for 5 years. Pokemon and Mario sales are great, especially Pokemon. X and Y sales were ridiculously high.. Mobile gaming does seem to be the biggest thing in

Animal Crossing New Leaf + Sims 2 or 3 + Harvest Moon + LittleBigPlanet = Stress levels low, and Fun level very high,

3DS has been seeing like crazy in Japan, and with games like Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, and Smash Bros coming out soon, the 3DS should sell even more

Never heard that song before.

Jazz Jack Rabbit! Such a cool game, and that soundtrack is awesome too.

Man... The audience still looks like crap in Madden.. lol Haven't played in a long time, but i figured they would of tried to make the audience look better by now..

Yeah i agree. I played ZombiU and got stuck on some parts, and asked a question, and within seconds i had tons of answers, and people helping me out. Lots of funny post too like you said.

Yeah i am loving it so far. I actually missed out on the first 2, so this is all new to me. very gorgeous game, and has tons of charm to it. I am trying to find everything int he game. Collect all fruit, upgrades, ect.

Yeah, i just got Earthbound, will be playing it soon after i beat Pikmin 3.

Miiverse is so awesome. Even as a PC gamer, i have to admit that is the best community i have been a part of in forever. Everyone is very friendly, and always giving tips to help each other in games, and are also full of artist. lol They truly love games, and love posting things about them,a nd pictures too. I

Mhmm.. Well i haven't had the problems you are talking about so either way i think you are either wrong, or have bad luck.

I don't think you are playing TF2 at all..

Hit boxes are fantastic, and i have never had a problem hitting people. I rarely ever lag in TF2.. There are little to no bugs at all in all of the games i play.. The guns, and classes are all very balanced, and counter each other. The game itself is extremely balanced. I have had level 1 weapons and beat players with

My favorite shooter, and i still play it all the time. So awesome, and well balanced. (Not perfect though.)