Yeah not an argument thanks, just like the other replies to me that didn’t have an argument, and just name called, or said i didn’t know what i was talking about. lol
Yeah not an argument thanks, just like the other replies to me that didn’t have an argument, and just name called, or said i didn’t know what i was talking about. lol
Yeah no idea how Overlord is anything like SOA other than being about a person in a game..
So ruin the game? lol Ok. At least its just a mod though.
I am just glad i bought my PC parts before all the craziness of the mining happened.(GTX 1080 for $500 which now is 1k)No need for an Xbox X for me,but people without a PC who want one will have to wait a bit,or they could get the Xbox.
I mean it reused the same levels sometimes, and the gameplay is mostly the same.. I don’t see how you liked Mania, but not the Genesis one.
Sonic mania was good, but not THAT good... It even reused some of its old levels..
If you want a good romance, i recommend Toradora.
Eh, they just don’t think the same i guess.. Different culture, and all, but i wouldn’t lump them all together as “shitty”.
Uhhh...what? lol FPS are best played on PC, and pretty much every other game i play that is multiplatform. Being able to have full control over the experience i want with these games iw hat keeps me into PC gaming, and offers the best experience you want, and can afford. Even mid range PCs you still have control to go…
Opinion, i thought there is plenty of content, and free content added all the time. Gameplay is great too imo.
I beat it yesterday, had tons of fun with it, and took me about 8 hours i think.
Doesnt makes sense. lol 60fps is smoother, 30fps would give you motion sickness before 60. lol
This is the exact opposite of like 99% of the reviews i have read for this game, but everyone has an opinion of course. lol
60fps is the best experience for all games, but the majority of Xb1, and PS4 games run at 30fps, even the Pro and Xbox X mostly run at 30fps. So i mean if people want the best 60fps on all games, get a PC. If it isn’t that big of deal, then it shouldn’t be a problem here.
I hope so.
That... isn’t saying much..
I love Unfinished Swan..
Weird, played the Odyssey game, never ran into one glitch.. Usually Nintendo games are near flawless when it comes to polish. Rarely see glitches.. Funny seeing this though.