
There is no release date, you have no i dea when they come out, and i am pretty sure they said Hyrule Warriors, Bayonette 2, Captain Toad, and Smash will be coming out this Fall. I am sure many of the games announced will be out in mid-2015. Plenty of games to play on it now for anyone who doesn't have one, and i

I am pretty sure they said Fall of 2015, and i HIGHLY doubt Nintendo will not release Smash before Christmas. lol

Hyrule warriors, Bayonettea 2, Captain toad, and Smash Bros are coming out this year, which is close to being over, and then next year will be full of games as well. The Wii-U has been selling very well, and has been selling more than the XB1 monthly lately. There is no last straw, it is onl getting better form here

That is why i have a PC, because i only get exclusives for consoles, and right now Wii-U by far has the most, and looks to continue to have the most next year. I will get the PS4, and XB1 too, but i see myself playing the Wii-U a lot more.

Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Yoshi's WW, Smash bros, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Xenoblade X, Fire Emblem X SMT, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Devils Third, Zelda U, Captain Toads game, and the list goes on. Did you not see their Digital Event? lol Not to be mean, just saying.

lol I know what you mean, Legend of Zelda is my favorite franchise of all time, so it kinda worries me, but i just look at this like Smash now.

It is $12 to buy both together, not per pack. What are you talking about? (Misunderstanding i am guessing.) $12 for all of it. IGN even had an article talking about how Nintendo is making it cheaper to own both packs. Nowehere does it say it will be $20+

IGN said in their article that it will be 16 tracks, 8 new vehicles, and 6 new characters for only 12 fuc*ing dollars... (Buy them in a bundle is $12 pretty much) That is BEYOND a steal. lol Nintendo is doing awesome with DLC so far.

He does look badass.

Think of it like Smash. Totally different thing, and most people are happy to see Link in it. I agree with Battle Mode needing to be improved, but this DLC is extremely nice, and only $12 for both packs is a steal.

You can get both packs for $12, that is priced EXTREMELY well imo, and pretty much a steal.. 16 tracks, 8 new vehicles, and 6 new characters for $12... Wow.. Nintendo is doing DLC right..

16 courses isn't a "small amount", plus 8 vehicles, and 6 new characters. $12 isn't much AT ALL for that amount of DLC. Nintendo is letting both packs be $12 if you buy them together. That is a steal.

And for only $12.

8 new tracks, 4 new vehicles, and new characters for just $12? That is a good deal. Doing DLC right.

Steam Achievements aren't really taken seriously.. Nobody on PC really cares about them.. Now Steam Cards seems to be taking over, and is better than acheivments seeing as how you can get money for selling them.

After playing PC games for about a year or so now, and Nintendo consoles, i have pretty much gotten over the whole achievement part of games by now. I just like experiencing games to their fullest without having to have acheivments push me to get them. I will be getting the PS4, and XboxOne soon, but i don't

Very true! Lot's of different things you could do, and off-screen play.

I am mostly a PC gamer, but i do buy consoles for their exclusives. Everything else i get on PC.

You most not have a powerful PC if your console is more powerful than it.. I play both as well, but i only buy consoles for their exclusives. Everything else i get on PC.

This game isn't demanding, i don't even know why anyone should do this.. Even the Wii-U could play this game..