I think it's just that you're just a hipster
I think it's just that you're just a hipster
So basically, reading comprehension is a lost art.
What an enormous doucher. Everything from the way he dresses to the designer furniture that is on the stage for some reason to the way he can only manage to say a few snide words at a time in between his condescending pauses, it all screams doucher. Say what you will about Notch, but at least he isn't this guy.
I don't know. I must be an oddball because I think that DmC is the best entry in the series since the first game. The gameplay was solid. And New Dante grew on me. He really does have a character arc that is alright.
It helps to be an attractive female.
But console peasants need to be reminded of their place beneath their PC gaming overlords! The internet has no room for reason and friendship!! Think of all the starving trolls if that happened!
And I don't understand why I should be forced to pay for ICBMs. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose. In this case, doctors decide what's necessary for Chelsea's health and well being (at least theoretically, they're being ignored right now), same as any other prisoner, and we foot the bill.
I have relatives who just looove to go off on transphobic tangents. When I remind them that the person in question would likely and reasonably have a far better sense of their gender identity, seeing as my relatives don't actually know the person and most likely never will, they have nothing to say. Like you, I just…
But it is not elective for some trans people. For some it is life and death. Imagine been trapped in the wrong gender body, waking up to it every day. 41% of trans people attempt suicide. It's the highest suicide rate of any group, thanks in part to transphobic bullshit pushed by people like Pepper13.
Sigh. Here we go again. 41% of trans people attempt suicide. That drops if people can get the treatment needed. So it is urgent and likely life and death.
Honestly i'll take ANY growing pains associated with online only play, even the ones that D3 had. The cheating in PC games is out of control.
Wizard Female because she's voiced by Azula and that automatically adds 10 sexy points
"Robin". Not "Robin Williams".
You can tell me it as I sink 90+ hours into it
it didnt work though, what was working was taking he cart out and putting it in again, and no matter how careful you are you are indeed shooting saliva onto the cart contacts and making them function even worse
See, it's not the fact that you blew into them that caused them to work. Taking the cartridge out of the system and reinserting it provides the system and cartridge another opportunity to properly connect. That's the problem. What causes the weird glitch or non-start is a miss-connection.