
Apparently at least five people did.

That's actually where I quit.

That's disgusting!

That idea has some serious legs.

Why don't people like the dude?

No Harrison Ford in a fridge with a nuke going off?

Piss on the haters, Andrew.

Shut up.

Happy Fourth, Jamie!

You should be ashamed...

As this dickhead and this thread proves Tina's point...

"Do you think it is soley the rise of the internet and anonymity that has led to the rather pessimistic attitude by the gaming community at large?"

Happy Fourth, Evan!

Happy Fourth, Kyle!

They give math tests in kitchens now?

Hello, "gamely still reading".

I thought about Myrna Loy or Bette Davis, or even Liz Taylor.

You write about the most interesting things that I never knew about, Esther.

The worldbuilding and characters drew me in, the planet-bound sequences not so much.

Sorry, I meant it in the nicest way possible.