
YES!!! I mean, ahem ... yes.

heheeheheheheheheheheheh "output"

Word playa, YOLO!!!

With all that radiation, our galaxy must resemble the Eye of Mordor out there!!!

Seconded! Motion carried?

Nah, those jets suggest she spits! :P

Andy gonna get CAPPED son!!! Belie'e dat!! Brrrat brrat!!!

Who was that masked man?! Another job well done, Captain!

I was wondering that myself! No real way to tell now I think. Unless you like, figured out a way to trace some kind of radiation signature like they do in star trek. :P

You! Youuuuuu ... you're good, you! :)

Sir, we're gonna need you to step out of the line please. Nothing to see here citizens. Go about your business. Sir, over here please, right through that door....

(standing ovation)

Agreed on all points. Looks like Shymalameadingdong strikes again. This time he seems to be taking House Smith with him for the fall from grace. Too bad. I really like the Smiths. Burn in hell Night, you hack!

Holy shit!!! I had no idea it was this bad already!!! Someone call Greenpeace!!!

Is that Rivendell?!?

Ditto! (hugs)

how's yer eye sight, palms itchy yet?

How so? Also, Ice Comet, 2014.

your taunt would come off cute if it weren't so ignorant, considering the GR meter doesn't really mean shit in the end, given that the endings do not differ in any appreciable regard

which could easily have been worked into the game proper as a series of horde mode type side missions, but no, EA wanted to cash in on the CoD crowd, but as with everything in this tragedy TOTALLY missed the point, because the CoD crowd could care less about a Jesus in Space epic, I should know, I game in both camps