
Betting you don’t have kids. You sound like That Guy who knows how to parent better than all parents out there.

You know, the pointing of fingers and accusations of evil people running an evil system would go over a whole lot better if you weren’t the beneficiary of that same system.

But again, you’re not signaling that the company and its assets are in demand. You’re signaling that the company and its assets, in that particular moment, are undervalued by the market.

What’s this from?

Socially? Agree.

This is basically everything I was thinking.  She was a dick, he called her on it in a non-dick but direct way, and she didn’t like it.

I like the sentiment, but as I’ve talked about with my friends in similar conversations.... when you say:

This. Context is everything. Sounding humble and personable when you are in a position of authority can really do wonders.

But 1) they are secret, 2) they are secret because it’s private information that belongs to the employee.

Gender and ethnicity, and depending on what other things they may ask, are not exactly personal private information that can reveal a person’s name to the world unless you start matching it up with A LOT of other pieces of information that are a lot more exact in nature.

Oh, I’m with you on them sharing that - that makes sense. But the ask sounds different:

Those 4 demands are fairly reasonable except #3.... how do they expect the company to publicize compensation for employees who may not want their details shared?

This. But also remember that if it’s a good company and provided you’ve had a good interview, THEY WILL DO IT FOR YOU. If the person you’re interviewing with thinks you’d be great for the company but just not that role, they will keep you in mind for something else, or even have that conversation with you.  And if

Agree - I’m just saying that those statements on the face of it, are not anti-vax.

Nobody is saying you can’t ask questions, except when people ask questions, they get jumped on without really listening to the question (which is my original point).  I’m not parroting anything.  I’m just saying that what he said (on the surface) is not anti-vax.  It doesn’t mean it was valid.

I don’t think you read what I wrote.

1) k that’s a good point regarding vegetables vs smoking.

I don’t know - maybe they are meant to foment outrage against vaccines, but probably doesn’t work for anybody who thinks about it?  To my previous example, saying “Vegetables should never be forced on anyone” isn’t anti-vegetable.  Unless you’re saying that anti-vax = anti-mandatory vax, in which case we’re differing

Totally fair.  And seeing as I’m only going based on this one snippet (I haven’t ever watched the guy), the fact that he’s got a platform and has probably said a whole lot of other stuff definitely plays in.

K no burning at the stake, I’m just saying: