Dr. Oppo

What about the DeTomasso Pantera?!?!?!

Any EJ25 series WRX or STi engine. DAT BOXER RUMBLE DOE

Considering a cop literally did a 3 point turn and followed me when I was doing 4 under and was the only car on the road, I'm going to say Ann Arbor.

Does it come standard with Navigation? Does it weight a lot more? Does the car feel as connected? Numbers aren't everything. Look at the video of Chris Harris comparing the 370 Z to the BRZ.

I'm going by the S2k and saying 250 at the crank would be perfect. I think the key would be to give it over 200 ft/lbs of torque. 250/230 would be amazing.

It comes stock with Prius Tires and factory rolled fenders, so you can fit 8.5" pilot supersports and get your wish


And thus was the last day I read an article on Jalopnik. It was a long time coming, and I was hanging on by a thread, and this just cut it.

Great, it's not enough fat ugly bitches confide in hershey's for happiness under the false pretense of it being good for their heart, now they're going to think it makes them smart too...

I'm retarded

*2nd only

True, I'll concede that. I just wish people didn't suck so much at driving and took it seriously.

It's not shades of grey though, that's the problem. Speed doesn't kill, multitasking and ignorance of proper driving laws and regulations does. Most speed limits are artificially low to raise revenue for cities. 99% of the time the person causing problems in traffic is going under the speed limit and either not paying

Please can we kill the gallardo already?

Yes I'm sure you've never ever gone past the speed limit and feel a social responsibility to make sure no one else does, because god forbid you go 5 over on a main road you're going to kill someone.

Tell me that after you kill the biker who decides now is a good time to accelerate to 90 with no warning.

Getting the fuck over from the left lane. Also, staying the fuck out of the left lane.

Haha wow. I'd love to get a ride in that one day. Great work!

Yes. Buying Gran Turismo 3 for 19.99 was the greatest investment I have ever made.

Haha as you put so eloquently in your post, one can dream of that day ;)